Originally posted by Aramis:
BTL: the bow length is probably about 50cm, and the pivot is 7cm down from the top height of 45cm (about 1.5 feet). This puts the top at 0.9m The sink would probably be at about 120-140 cm up the wall, and extend/fold in the same manner (and with interchangeable parts aside from the bowl.
Either could be purchased in variable heights.
The door I'm proposing is comprised of slats in a flexible substrate.
It retracts on to a roller. It works exactly like a roll top desk or a storefront security grill; in either case, turn it sideways, and make it water-tight. The track is floor and ceiling (inset into each), and a catch would secure it. It could EASILY be a motorized system, as well.
BTW: The showerhead, for 0-G safety, needs an air-purge system; said system doubles as a hair-dryer. A vacuum hose would probably also be available. Both hoses would probably secure in tracks in the two corners that open outside. I'd put the water on the retractor side...
I'd love to see this in three-D... but I'm not skilled in that.
It's worable, but tight.