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Star Wars meets Traveller...

On the Endor fight, wasn't somebody complaining that there weren't enough fighters to protect the thing but the Emprorer or Vader or somebody else thought it showed a lack of faith in the destructive power and defenses of the Death Star? I mean who could ever see some lucky rebel space jock putting a torpedo down the vent tube :rolleyes:

I don't recall but perhaps the X-Wings had some cover going in to be able to penetrate the fighter screen. Then they did deploy the foils so presumably there was some kind of atmosphere around the Death Star (albeit very thin) which would perhaps balance the two fighters again as long as they stayed close to the surface.

Just more speculation
I do appreciate your comments Ran and never got the idea they were critical or negative. Keep them coming.

MTU is very heavily influenced by Star Wars, atleast ANH and ESB; with the action taking place way on the other side of the galaxy from Tatooine and Endor. It was born out of frustration (back in the early 80's) when there wasn't a Star Wars RPG system.

I've always managed to excuse the absences of X-Wings, TIE fighters, and Star Destroyers by stating that the Empire and Alliance both rely religiously on local technologies to support their activities (i.e. you kiddin'? there ain't a YT-1300 in this sector, but what about this newly refurbished A2?)

But now, thanks to all your effort, I can introduce them! Excellent job! Thanks!
Oh, that's a Good Thing(tm) then
You're most welcome Ran but a good part of the praise goes to others, not the least endersig for starting it and Crow for the numbers. As long as somebody has fun with it it's worth it.
Okay, the B-Wing is:

56.61 cuM
4.19 dTons

and the A-Wing is:

29.04 cuM
2.15 dTons

and the Y-Wing is:

45.68 cu M
3.34 dTons

And as I had a low-poly model lying around of the new Ep III Jedi Interceptor, I did a quick reading of it's volume and blow me, it's tiny!!! So tiny I checked and rechecked but it's accurate.

Jedi Interceptor
6.03 cu M
0.45 dTons

And finally here's a pic of all the block models I used to calculate the volumes:
