Liam Devlin
SOC-14 5K
Throws Bucket of bathwater at youOriginally posted by atpollard:
To everyone who has expressed an interest in this:
I am a visual learner. While lists are all very well and good, a rough sketch is usually better than a detailed list. Would it be practical to approach this project with the goal of generating some crude sketches of typical starports? Just simple boxes with labels and brief descriptions.
As I see it, some people could work on compiling the data already gathered.
Other people could assemble simple functions into a rough starport plan. (type B highport: manufacturing here, commercial here, freight here, passengers here, shipyard here, etc.)
Still other people could create a simple plan detailing one of the starport functions (a typical bar, a typical freight terminal, etc).
Everyone would be welcome to work on whatever part they prefer. Each layer feeds the others.
Just offering ideas. Comments welcome (but please, don’t throw things).

Good ideas on "visual affects" AT. The concpets of the "basic parts" a starport has can be easily translated into such boxes, etc.
What those portions look like, well CAD proggies aren't my forte to say the least, and as ravs expressed elsewhere, the lego-modular starport might be useful (i see them as feeder ports, or early colonial moons insystem set ups myself), they deny the artistic expression of Humanity (as varied as the stars & Terran Airports we have now) of the here and now, much less the "future".
MB, SGB : Copy wright infringement laws prevent us on one hand, SJG is not QLI.
The BITS conversion tables work well for tasks, but the initial idea was to take that which all the versions of Traveller had in common (The UWP world UPP code) & make a simple, user-friendly GM-Ref and Player useful guide to have for doing things like:
+How many berths does this place have?
+What kind of (if any) Banking financial houses are here? How many?
+What if they don't honor TAS?
+Where's the Red light/ Cantina concourse?
+Non TAS Hotel accomodations (yes/no)?
+Medical facilities (Civilian or Military) present?
+Imperial or Non-Imperial Starport (Yes folks, I had a player get dissed there was no TAS Hotel-Resturaunt-Casino complex once in a campaign, but hey, Arden did give him a line of credit on his starship--not his title. Imagine his surprise to discover things worked differently outside the Imperium!)
+(on that note) Where's Legal representation when you really need it? Is it "Justice", or "Just us," pal?
Calc-ing some of these things off the system's given UPP (the majority of which in the OTU have no planetary write up or thumbnail sketch so you can see where this idea has merit for all those other places a GM might wish to send his players packing off to via misjump, or a patron, and so on.)
Some of the pitfalls we encountered as we began this project were these: (Shane if you read this, these are what I saw we had, and certes not the entire list of headaches and pot holes .)
+ Too many Chiefs, not enough Indians.
+ The Inability to say "no" to more voluntary contributors than were necessary, creating conflicting/ competing ideas ("please all, please none".)
+ The inability of folks who contributed ideas to take constructive criticism.
+The inability
+ Without clear effective Leadership & the free time to devote that attention such a project required, a mouse designed by committee becomes an elephant, which this spiralled into, and not the original intent of the user-friendly, Keep it Simple Silly (KISS) principle.
+ Real Life will end part timer led projects like this in a heartbeat, which I can attest to an "Iraqi" vacation Oct o9 2003-Apr 01 2005 to myself.
SO.. if you intend to press forward with this idea, I have no patent to it, no copywright, & no lawyers to sue you with, much less the time to pursue you with them, had I such resources.
robject your 1998 visual ideas were the inspiration for setting forth in the first place.
ravs Your illos do the curretn day and age medium justice .
As to earlier query of "unlocking the thread", I'm a moderator, not the man with the thread locking-unlocking key, so anything done here on out is from scratch once again.