Well, you sure seem committed to defending Mongoose from virtually *every* charge, including what you've sneeringly characterized as "fringe cases". And I really can't see much difference between you and what you claim I am. In fact, one of the few constants here is that *any* thread criticizing Mongoose will contain an immediate defense of Mongoose from you.
If I were truly arguing "fringe cases", I think that you'd not bother defending them. What's the old line...you protest too much?
Look, you asked what significant changes had been made. I pointed some out, and when queried further, admitted that "significant" was subjective. When I said "fringe case" I was, in this instance, specifically referring to your apparent need to define every change as objectively insignificant. That's all.
In any case, someone who leaps to Mongoose's defense at *every* opportunity is ill-placed to sneer at someone else for being overly aggressive in attacking them. Fanaticism is fanaticism, whether pro or con.
I have already in this thread indicated that you have legitimate gripes. I have cross-posted some of your observations to the Mongoose boards because I considered them valuable criticisms. I have stated that I do not like the official implementation of T/E, to the point where I have developed my own system, that I will use in place of the official one - because I agree with your assessment of the official system as statistically flawed. My earlier comment in this thread regarding ship shares did not dispute your basic assessment of the ownership structure we currently have is seriously flawed. I have commented on other areas of the rules I think are poorly done (I am truly bemused that they are going to stick with the crap-shoot combat move rule they currently have).
So, like I said, no change.
I have already explicitly agreed there has been no worthwhile change to the mechanics.
Looks to me like MGT is gonna go to press with virtually *no* major changes from v1.0 of the playtest (other than damage). In fact, it might be interesting to see how many mechanics were "changed" after v1.0 only to be changed back later...
And if I am right that virtually no major changes were made, what does this say about Mongoose's actual responsiveness to criticism?
Again, I agree they've done little to nothing to fix the basic mechanic. Some attempts seem to have been made, but nothing
As I tried to say in another thread, but may not have articulated very well, I am very happy with MGT -- but not because I think their official mechanic works well, or because they have run an amazingly successful and useful playtest.
I like the character generation a lot, and I'm hoping ship construction turns out well. Beyond that, what I really like is the basic
concept of the T/E mechanic, and
some of structures they've built around that. That
concept has provided me with the inspiration to build what I believe is a markedly superior system objectively, and which certainly is subjectively.
So, yeah, I'm happy, but I doubt it's for the reasons Mongoose would want me to be.