-As it specifies that planetary navy (no one else) may build them, I guess that it requires as many ressources that no one else is allowed to do it.
Game rules that forbids something are all alike. If it says you can't do, you can't do it, and no ifs or buts or maybes. As long as you're playing the game that the rules apply to, that is.
But game rules are simplifications of an underlying reality and they can represent several different situations in "reality". Sometimes you can't do it because if you do, the physical laws of the universe will slap you down. But it can also represent that you can do it, but people don't for various reasons (It's too expensive, the government says you can't, only a contemptible cur-dog of a man would do such a thing). Or that people don't usually do it and it's not worth while making up rules to cover the exceptions. Or even that people do it all the time but it would make the game experience worse if you did it in the game, so we'll ignore that.
My interpretation of a shipyard is not just some buildings stuffed with machinery and surrounded by a fence. I think it is the infrastructure to build components and the workforce to fit the components together. A high-population world can have dozens of shipyards, large or small.
So a Class A starport is not (necessarily) a starport with a shipyard lying next to it. It's a starport in a system with at least one shipyard.
And even that isn't enough. It has to be a shipyard that is open for business to the general public. You have to be able to go there and order a starship built for you and be able to get it in reasonable time. If the yard caters exclusively to a specific corporation or the local merchants association or is run by the planetary military, then the Scouts don't award it a Class A rating[*].
[*] I've used this in several cases to explain high-population worlds with lots of trade and Class D starports).
-Of course the ships so built must be able to land in the planet, so, as we already discussed on other threads, htey must be streamlined (if the planet has atmosphere) and I guess there's a size limit (though we couldn't find the reference when discussed it before).
Ships can be built of the surface of a world with an atmosphere, in which case they have to be able to leave the planet. But they can also be constructed by having the components manufactured on the surface, lifted into orbit, and assembled there, in which case they can be any size and with any streamlining.
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