Great, I would very interested to hear if there are reasons.
One of the things about Magyar is that most of the limited canonical information about the sector was generated by DGP, which had a unique take on the power structure of the Solomani Confederation, introducing the concept of the Member State. These are essentially independent, multisystem confederations within the larger Confederation.
Personally, I really like this concept as it further distinguishes the Confederation from the Imperium, but subsequent GT and MGT sources have not used it -- and in fact, have pretty clearly and consciously chosen a different model.
DGP described three powerful member states in Magyar, and if these states had capitals they would like correspond with three of the current capitals in the T5SS data:
I guess a VERY interesting question here is, does the Confederation have Member States, or has this been completely retconned away?
Member State Likely Capital Wuan Technology Association Wu (Magyar 0203 B66A99A-E) { 4 } New Slavic Sodality Minsk (Magyar 1512 C4319BB-C) { 2 } Reformed Dootchen Estates Dreesen (Magyar 1916 A201652-E) { 1 }
If it does, the newly-expanded 4 character Allegiance code could capture this: "SoWu, SoSl, SoDo, etc."
And this IS exactly why I proposed the expansion (among many other reasons, such as fixing the Aslan government type problem).