The Spinward Marches Campaign shows it as M3 II on page 23, I have no idea if it was perhaps updated for T5 for some reason.
1. Farreach Spinward Marches 1402
2. TravellerMap has the Primary Stellar Type as M3 III
3. Traveller Wiki has Primary Stellar Type as M3 II
4. Other sources (Zhodani Base) which I know are not canon list the Stellar Type as M3 II as well.
5. I do not have current access to The Spinward Marches Campaign.
6. I am using the TravellerMap as my source, however it may be a misprint.
Thank you for your attention.
Likhukam/Arnakhish (Dagudashaag 2204) should have an "Sa" code. See Signal-GK 10, p. 55. Missed this on my previous pass.
1. We deliberately changed something. We did change a bunch of TLs. Some world sizes got increased. Regina's far star companion was changed from an M6V to an M3V. There are quite a number of changes like this.
2. I messed something up. The successes I share with those who helped, but I'll take full responsibility for the mistakes.
So, if there's a change you want, or you have an issue with a change at, here's your chance to bring out the pitchforks. But really, I'm looking for mistakes and inconsistencies we missed, not arguments over why changes were made.
One important caveat: If it is on, and appears in published current FFE licensee product, the odds of it changing are low (the previously mentioned Deneb Sector being one of those).
Ok. Asbestos suit on.
Hi Don,
I have been advised the following TL's have been changed in the Trojan Reach
Floria 0213
Insec 0317
Vadada 0523
Theev 2116
Drinax 2223
Tech-World 2624
Auitawry 3140
I am disturbed at this change of canon as Floria and Auitawry have both got functioning ancient sites and if anything should be higher than F. (I appreciate the 3I might not know, but those of us that have spent months designing the Florians military would have wasted our time and effort).
If you are changing Drinax to the sustainable TL, it should be 4.
I can live with reduced TL for Theev as a pirate planet and Tech World as insufficient population to sustain the tech.
Kind Regards
Question: Can spectral type M 0 through M 7 Giant stars exist in the Traveller Universe? From what I'm able to glean from the Internet (not the most reliable source I know!), it seems that if the universe is only approximately 16 billion years old, and it takes approximately 56 to 60 Billion years for a spectral class M star to finish its main sequence, it would seem that we shouldn't be allowing for M III classifications in Traveller. Affected stars in the Spinward Marches would be:
3021 Brodie C410468-7 Ni O:3124 -2 631-2 4257 B 114 15 ImDd M1 III M7 V
2701 Lablon B646589-A Ag Ni 2 A46+3 676B BC 503 14 ImDd M2 III M4 V
1932 Mithras C8B5568-8 Fl Ni Px -2 942-2 5358 B 302 6 ImDd M2 III M0 V
1116 Frenzie A200436-A Ni Va Cp 1 734+1 3549 B N 110 5 ImDd M3 III M2 V
2411 Keanou C792348-7 He Lo -2 521-2 3157 B S 213 12 ImDd M3 III M2 V
1402 Farreach A200400-B Ni Va Da 2 C35-2 1616 KM A 415 10 ZhCo M3 III M0 V
1733 Lydia E310430-7 Ni -3 631-5 1112 B 902 11 ImDd M4 III M0 V
2134 Caledonia C541636-5 He Ni Po -2 852-3 5444 B 910 10 ImDd M4 III M0 V
2935 Murchison B544433-6 Ni Pa -1 632-4 1323 Bc N 305 8 ImDd M5 III M3 V
1825 Zaibon B000544-B As Ni Va 1 945-1 3639 B 502 9 ImDd M6 III M3 V
1204 Mongo A568685-A Ag Ni Ri 4 B58+2 4A38 BCf NS 603 7 ImDd M6 III M0 V
2232 Crout E4359CA-7 Hi -1 B88+1 B879 BE 314 9 ImDd M7 III M2 V
2933 Raydrad E99467A-6 Ag Ni -2 852+1 8478 BC 303 10 ImDd M7 III M2 V
While I'm thinking about it - were garden world types supposed to have had their Spectral type changed from M to anything between F through K class?
. . . if the universe is only approximately 16 billion years old, . . .
Question: Can spectral type M 0 through M 7 Giant stars exist in the Traveller Universe? From what I'm able to glean from the Internet (not the most reliable source I know!), it seems that if the universe is only approximately 16 billion years old, and it takes approximately 56 to 60 Billion years for a spectral class M star to finish its main sequence, it would seem that we shouldn't be allowing for M III classifications in Traveller.
A'niaqoro / Zeda (Dagudashaag 0723) - System: M2 V K4 V
K4 V star larger than M2 V stars, therefore shouldn't the K4 V star be the primary?
In response to others...
What I'm being told elsewhere is that M class main sequence stars never enter into the giant phase.
What is called a Red Giant phase isn't based upon the M class main sequence star going into the expansion phase, but some other like as mentioned, a G2 class. But that would mean what, that it is a G2 III when it enters the Giant phase?
As for parsing things out, I can try to come up with a means for doing just that if you'd like. It would be a trivial issue compared against say, taking the wording of checks, and converting it from One Hundred twenty thousand, two hundred thirty one dollars and 56/100 into 120,231.56. I should be able to get you an excel macro to do it for you, on a line by line basis of any of the files that can be downloaded directly from
In the meantime, there are OTHER issues that come into play when it comes to Giant class star systems. Large massed stars burn their hydrogen quickly and have a shorter lifespan than do the lesser main sequence stars. Any world that started to develop any life such that it could generate an oxygen breathable atmosphere would have been burnt to a crisp when the star entered its Giant phase - wiping everything out. Anything else that was in the cold zone and is now able to perhaps sustain life, will die out when the Giant phase extinguishes in a matter of millions of years. In short, it doesn't have sufficient time to develop (evolve) life forms before the sun either enters its death throes, or enters into a nastier expansion phase due to burning the next element up from Helium (or so it seems from what I'm reading).
In short? Those worlds that have a Giant for a star, aren't viable candidates for life. That makes any of those agricultural worlds an anomaly (ie, something that should not exist).
What is called a Red Giant phase isn't based upon the M class main sequence star going into the expansion phase, but some other like as mentioned, a G2 class. But that would mean what, that it is a G2 III when it enters the Giant phase?
A poor candidate for native life, yes. But not necessarily a poor candidate for life transplanted from elsewhere. (especially with a little help from terraforming).In short? Those worlds that have a Giant for a star, aren't viable candidates for life. That makes any of those agricultural worlds an anomaly (ie, something that should not exist).
As the star goes through its phases from G through giant then M class, some planets that started off in the habitable zone will be incinerated. Planets further out, where life may have been stifled, will bloom, as the star swells.A poor candidate for native life, yes. But not necessarily a poor candidate for life transplanted from elsewhere. (especially with a little help from terraforming).
A poor candidate for native life, yes. But not necessarily a poor candidate for life transplanted from elsewhere. (especially with a little help from terraforming).