I guess most ships would be unstreamlined, as interface is what wil lbe mostly affected, and have limited maneuver drive time, so simply accelerating a Little and keeping the speed up to the jump point at a more or less constant speed.
Indeed. That's why I wrote the battle rider concept, and starships basically staying at the jump point and do force projection via fighters and long-range weaponry from there would probably be a good guess.
As an extension of that, there'd probably be "jump ports", space stations at common jump points that allow for refuelling and changing cargo... that's actually something that might even be a worthy idea in the OTU.
As Aramis points, probably so different to OTU 3I as not to be recognizable as the same...
Is that so? The technofeudal society seems like a near-perfect fit to me. Travel times and cost are, after all, largely unaffected.
As taking off/landing is where gravitics are most useful, wihout them I guess most ships will not be built for it, giving (as someone has already pointed) higher importance to highports and interface transport.
Things like orbital catapults, beanstalks and similar interface communications, nearly (if not outright) unheard of in 3I and OTU will be quite common, and as this will need at least TL 8-9 (so, higher than current Earth, as I don't believe we're able to build them right now), lower TL words will not be able to keep any level of regular inerplantary/interstellar trade. If this wil llead to those planets being scarcer (as anyone will try to rise TL to achieve interstellar trade) or poorer (as they cannot).
I have reservations about catapults, beanstalks and the like - they have a vast array of problems that are commonly not addressed in the concepts. Among them: Extremely high capital investment required, extremely vulnerable to terrorist attack, warfare, and regular accidents, day-to-day operations are more complicated than many people imagine (as I wrote earlier, if you send something up the beanstalk, you have to send something of equal mass down at the same time, and if that other mass isn't available, you must wait, for just one example), and so on. Also, such installations would not have survived the Long Night.
Cheap fuel and cheap rockets, however, are easy to achieve, require little individual investment, are naturally redundant (because many people will have them), and allow for players to earn a buck with their own ship anywhere where they might go. Sure, a player ship will seem large compared to Traveller OTU deck plans, but in actuality, the ship they can live in will be the same size - just with a lot more (cheap) fuel attached.
In some ways, this will be as setting 3I with 2300 rules (have you taken a look on how chemical drives work in MgT 2300AD?).
2300 AD has been suggested already, and I have put it on my list for sure. I always found the whole concept interesting, but a deviating timeline and lack of ability made me never grab it. Thankfully, DTRPG has changed that.
So, fuel will be the main concern on performing a thrust one enemy territory, and its scope will probably be limited for it to 3-4 jumps (no deep attack on Rhylanor will be posible in 5FW, just to give an example).
Actually, that would be own concern: Given that I have removed the jump fuel requirement to not make things worse and replaced it with a 1 week cooldown, it should theoretically possible for the Zhodani to have a fleet parked in a comet cloud around Sylea just in case they need it...
Also, due to interface problems already commented, planetary invasions will be quite different, as the ships able to land the tropos will have quite less payload (in percentage) and troops carried by each of them will be fewer (again, in relation ot their size).
Depends. If you are willing to forego a chance for retreat, you might even require no fuel at all, and simply fall down in drop capsules with parachutes (unless it's a vaccum world, but those are usually smaller anyway).
And, of course, on the dirtside, combat will be very different, without the grav vehicles and belts...
Well, on the plus side, planetside combat would be more familiar to players.
And I guess all of this is only the tip of the iceberg...
There's always something one overlooks. That is, after all, the reason for this thread, to find out how such an interstellar society would work.