Re: Imperial Army
IMTU (circa 1115) there is
The Imperial Army and also
The Colonial Army. These are both Imperial Offices based at Vland. By Emperor’s decree, these units are paid for by collectively:
1. Planetary Military Budgets, 90%
2. the local Imperial Duke, 1%
3. the Arch Duke, 1%
4. the client state, 7.975%
5. The Emperor. 0.025%
The Imperial Army is an enormous organization, much larger in manpower than the Imperial Navy or the Imperial Marines (which is actually a branch of the Imperial Navy).
Imperial Army units are equipped to TL 12-15 depending on the member world supporting the Imperial unit. Thus the Imperial Army maintains garrisons on high technology member worlds.
This has occurred since the beginning of the Third Imperium when Sylea maintained small cadres on numerous member worlds and member worlds provided battalions for training by the Imperial Army.
(See T4 Milieu 0 Campaign)
The organization of these units vary widely and are called Imperial Army Units or Colonial Army Units depending on whether the member world is first tier (TL 13-15) or second tier (TL9-12). The actual mission of the Imperial Army is probably to promote smooth accession of client states into member worlds by both the threat of police action against rebellious states and the offer of training and technology for friendly states.
The Imperial Army often act as cadres for Colonial or planetary forces. Other missions of the IA are to act as reserves in the event of a planetary invasion and to show the flag to member worlds to keep them in line.
Finally, the Imperial Army Command is subsector based at its lowest level. This maintains a cohesive functional purpose as directed by the Emperor and the Imperial Military High Command. In practice, Imperial Armies are usually commanded by the local subsector Duke or the Duke’s representative.
IMTU, During the Third Imperium Vland became the base for these Imperial Army Units when Vilani took control of the Imperium from The Syleans around 560 TI. Though there was a brief period after this when Cleon V took back control to Sylea.
However, IMTU, the size of Imperial/Colonial Armies would be only around 1/10th of the size of local units on the planet. Just enough to wave the flag but if the planetary forces crushed the Imperial forces on the planet this would provide the Imperium a good reason to invade en masse to destroy dissidents.
Each Imperial trooper costs an average of Imperial Cr 150,000 to equip and maintain per year.
Thus, a 42 man platoon costs MCr 6.3 per year, Thus a 125 man company costs MCr 18.75 p.a., Thus a 625 man battalion costs MCr 93.75 p.a.
Without going into too much detail one hundred Battalions cost 1-2 (closer to 2) planetary Resource Unit (on average) using Sylea RU ( 1 RU = 4919 MCr) as the base.
(See T4 Pocket Empires or Imperial Squadrons.)
So, 62,500 troopers are about 1 ½ to 2 divisions or one corps of army depending on the type ie infantry, cavalry, artillery, engineers, etc. Of course, Infantry corps are larger and Artillery corps are smaller. This is just to show the scale.
Again, IMTU these costs double (at least!) when the army is required to move to another stellar system, so armies tend to be confined to a planet or local system base. Also these costs double and redouble when we are talking about cavalry or elite units that are readily capable of rapid interstellar deployment.
Colonial Army troopers are equipped to TL 10-12 again depending on the member world’s predominant TL. Colonial Armies tend to be more geared towards defence against external forces and may become conflicted when directed against internal forces.
Member worlds may also maintain planetary, country or regional armies.
Each Colonial trooper in these armies costs an average of 100,000 Cr per year.
Mercenaries are used by the Imperium to apply military force to systems outside of the Imperial main (i.e. low tech planets off the normal trade routes) simply because they are much cheaper and may be employed on success only contracts.
For more information about The Imperial Army See
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