So here you go Drakon. What are you going to do with Refugees flooding into little Lemish.
Sadly, besides the Starship Operators Manual, I have none of the DG material.
Lets see, Refugees would be flooding from Sutton and Weyland. Tamilaa would be a real problem. Bigger population worlds would be more problematic.
Establish Refugee camps on any empty land south of the Starport between Kudra and Franklin.
Emergency contract for a lot more breather masks.
Take a look at food stocks and expected refugee traffic and see how long this years harvest will last. Check medical supplies and any home grown or produced consumables whose production will need to be ramped up.
Put out a general call for evacuation fleets and try to pass as many refugees on to either Veu Bella or Specti, depending on which way the refugees desired to go. (Vland or Deneb)
What refugees intend to stay on Lemish will be put to work farming. Those that desire to become Lemishi, will have to adapt to Lemishi ways, but they are going to have to "earn their air". They will need to create more food if everyone is to avoid starving.
General Priniciples will be for Lemish to take care of its own first and foremost, and to help out where we can, without cutting our own throat. Lemish is a very big planet, there is plenty of room. Just we were not expecting so much company all at once.
EDIT: Immediately after posting, my wife asked what I was doing. I read her the question. She said "First thing you do is discuss this with the Baroness. The Baron's job is the defense and protection of the system. The Baroness' job will be to deal with the refugees." She then went into a list of things refugees would need, food, water, shelter, underwear. She wants a little time to write up a list, but I believe I can rest assured the refugees will be taken care of to the best of Lemish's ability.
(Technically, she does not hold a patent, but she is my wife and puts up with me. I don't have the heart to correct her.)