That does seem low. Transients versus permenent residents, retirees?
"The entire Depot1 system is devoted to an Imperial naval depot, and its population consists entirely of naval personnel. In peacetime, a depot's main function is research; there the navy develops and tests new ship prototypes. In war, a depot is able to supply, maintain, and repair a large fraction of the Imperial fleet." [SR:20]
One notes that according to this quote, depots do not perform ordinary construction and maintenance in peacetime and no construction in wartime. But be that as it may, the population of 6.9 millions are naval personnel only. No resident civilians at all. In fact, GDW got most things right with this one. TL15, no civilians, decent personnel figure, captive government... The only faults I can find with it is that the starport apparently provides annual maintenance and ship construction for civilians (that's what the rules say is available at all Class A starports) and that the place isn't redzoned. If it was MY highly sensitive military installation, I sure would make it off limits to civilian traffic. I mean, it's not like there's a civilian population whose right have to be respected.1 Depot/Vega (Solomani Rim 1911 A00066B-F).
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