So...the world colonial forces rally around one world. If Lemish builds a Colonial Fleet it must report to support the Reserve Fleet in time of war.
If Lemish has a population of 1 million, it will be building 1000T destroyers. One at a time.
I've had a look at the capacity of Lemish Subsector to raise and maintain naval assets, and its tax base is less than 1% of the tax base of an average Imperial subsector. Having two standard-sized regular fleets stationed there requires massive logistical support from outside, and the local assets (whatever you call them) would be VERY small comparatively. If you posit that that logistical support will cease once Lucan strips Lemish of its fleets (which I think is extremely likely) then Lemish would indeed be left up an unsavory waterway without a maneuvering implement. It's entirely plausible that Vargr corsairs (operating at the force levels that I consider plausible for Vargr corsairs) could overrun Lemish. (Keeping Lemish once Khukish got its act together is a different matter. But then, the Vargr doesn't try to do that).
I worked out the history once years ago but as I reread, here is how the picture unfolds. Lucan recalls the Corridor Fleet and Marches Fleet. Norris tells the fleet to stand down and recalls the Corridor assets to the Marches.
Archduke Norris has no authority to order the Corridor Fleet to do anything. He can ask the sector duke to send them, but presumably the duke that obediently sends off his 16 other fleets will send off the four of the reaction force too.
Vargr get wind of this through a spy at Kaasu and send raiders in.
See, that's what I don't see happening. I don't think Vargr governments would send many raiders, because that's just throwing expensive ships away for little expected return. Instead, Captain Gruff of the light cruiser
Growll hears about Corridor being defenseless and teams up with a couple of fellow captains and heads out for the Land of Beer and Steak. Where they may team up with other impromptu corsair bands or fight them over the spoils.
Everyone wants to go for loot. It gets out of control quickly. Depot cannot roll heavy assets ships for the reserve Corridor Fleet out of mothballs quick enough.
True, it takes months to reactivate mothballed cruisers and more months to reactivate battleships. But Depot would have system defenses in place to begin with.
(If there are ANY battletenders left in the sector, mothballed cruisers could be shipped to Kaasu and Khukish and reactivated there.)
T20 Fighting Ships: "Dreadnoughts are typically constructed only in Depot systems, where the yards are kept cutting edge, whereas battleship construction is spread out throughout the Imperium. Eventually those other construction facilities will be upgraded through time and they will become able to manufacture the previous generation of dreadnought." We should not see any depots below TL 15.
What book are you referring to? I didn't know T20 had a
Fighting Ships.
From what I've gathered (some) depots build prototypes that are then built in bulk by shipyards throughout the Imperium. Those depots should be TL15-approaching-TL16.
After a century at TL15, 'eventually' should be here already. I definitely don't think that 200
Tigresses have been built exclusively at depots. Or at all, since I think the depots would be building prototypes of the next generation of warships.
(That last bit is, admittedly, partly because I've spent a lot of time later coming up with shipyards that built the
Tigresses and there's nary a depot among them
1. In my defense, none of the
Azhantis were built in depots either.)
1 I'll be posting the results in my thread about Tigresses when I've finished or (more likely) grow tired of the project. In the meantime, here's a little sample:
No. Name Laid Down First Builder Notes
18511 Tigress 025-1078 172-1082 Semath No. 1
18512 Lioness 042-1078 218-1082 Silverring AB
18513 Leopardess 077-1078 236-1082 Menkhakre
18514 Pantheress 092-1078 254-1082 Greyfleur A
18515 Cougaress 120-1078 279-1082 Datta
18516 Jaguaress 144-1078 312-1082 Yard 23
18517 Cheetaess 146-1078 300-1082 Shaan Gig
18518 Ocelotess 171-1078 351-1082 Yard 19 No. 5
TL for the Depot systems should be fixed in the Traveller Map. We do know that there are two types of Depots. Some Rimward appear to only be supply/defense Depots. Not to mention the population problem that was not fixed in T5.
Yes, the population issue really needs to be dealt with.