Originally posted by Bhoins:
A couple of questions.
1. In your opinion what exactly is the Duchy Navy? (As there is no such thing in canon.)
It is another (and more correct) name for the subsector navies mentioned in
High Guard as constituting the middle tier of the Imperial naval structure. It is an Imperial organization, but one distinct from the Imperial Navy. The system navies are likewise separate organizations. They are no more part of the duchy navy than the duchy navy is part of the IN.
That much is canon. (Except for calling them duchy navies instead of subsector navies, that is).
It is
not the IN reserve fleet, MT material to the contrary notwithstanding. That is, I acknowledge that MT changed the subsector navies to reserve fleets (in the Character Generation system they changed it through 'search-and-replace', so it would be hard to deny that the MT authors meant them to change into the reserve fleets). I merely propose retconning this bit in an attempt to preserve the subsector navies AND keep the reserve fleets too.
That much is contrary to (MT) canon.
It is an organization raised and maintained by the duchy. The Imperial military taxes are collected by the duke who passes on a set percentage to the sector duke for the maintenance of sector-wide Imperial forces (chiefly the regular Imperial fleets). The duke uses the remainder to fund a duchy navy, a duchy army, and whatever other military organizations he feels his duchy needs.
The duchy navy gets most or all of its ships from the most advanced shipyards in the duchy. If this happens to be TL 15, then it buys few or no IN castoffs. If the duchy's top TL is less than 15, the duchy navy will buy IN castoffs if they feel they get value for their money. Of course, with the IN putting many of its obsolescent ships into the reserve fleets or mothballing them, there aren't that many IN castoffs to buy.
That part is all extrapolation/speculation. None of it is canon, but I would claim that it fits fairly neatly into what scanty canon we have (as long as we ignore a few bits of MT canon).
Other matters:
I suggest that 'Colonial' be defined as a term that refers to units that do not belong to the IN. Thus a duchy navy is composed of colonial units. So are system navies. The reserve fleets, however, are not.
The Dukes Huscarles are not part of the duchy's military forces, although the difference is very hard to spot. Basically the duke pays for his huscarles while the duchy pays for the duchy forces. If the duke were to be moved to another duchy, his Huscarles would go with him while the duchy forces would stay.
2. In your opinion what would the composition of the Duchy Fleet be?
Duchy Navy, not Duchy Fleet (Very important distinction, that

). And it would depend very much on which duchy. It's composition would be whatever its duke (or more likely, his admiralty) believed the duchy needed to fulfill its duties to the duchy's systems and to the Emperor. It would also, of course, depend on the budget.