Originally posted by far-trader:
If I roll well for a check I likely won't get a bonus from the stat, and usually when I need it most on the more difficult checks. But if I roll crap I will usually get the bonus from the stat, and it won't do me much good because the check will have failed even with the add.
I dunno, maybe it's just me but that just feels wrong.
That's a fair statement, Dan. Let me address it.
The thinking is this--
Low Stat won't help you very often. A Stat-5, for example, is really only good enough to give you a little help on Easy and Routine tasks. You might squeeze some help out of your lowly Stat-5, if you are skilled, on a Standard (or maybe even a Difficult) task, but, typically, your natural competence is only good enough to be a benefit on Easy and Routine tasks.
A Stat-5 doesn't usually mean a hill of beans if you're talking about attempting a task that is Difficult--you might as well be Stat-2.
Example: A character with END-5 is trying to run a mile. This is a Routine task. His natural amount of endurance might help him make this throw (it's only a 28% chance that a Stat-5 character will get a bonus).
But, let's up the difficulty level. Let's say the same character needs to run the mile in under 6 minutes. Now, that's pretty difficult for someone with a low endurance. So, the GM makes this throw Difficult.
The Stat-5 character is going to have a real hard time making this throw. He typically doesn't have the endurance to make it a mile moving at the pace required to make the 6 min. deadline, so he doesn't get a bonus on the throw.
Now, if the END-5 character was a trained runner (meaning he's got skill), the trained experience would definitely help him run the mile in under 6 min (he'd get the +Skill DM). And, his END might even help him if his skill was high enough.
On the other hand, take a Stat-9 guy. That's a decent stat that can help you on most tasks you will come across (most tasks in Traveller range from Easy to Difficult...rarely harder than that).
With your Stat-9, you will typically (83% of the time) get a natural ability bonus.
If you've got END-9, and you need to make the Difficulty throw to run the mile in under 6 min, it's a lot easier for you--you'll probably get the +1DM for Natural Ability (a good endurance), and have a good chance of making the Difficult throw even without any trained experience (skill) to help you.
If you are a trained runner (skill), and you have an END-9, then making that Difficult throw is going to be even easier for you.
Dan, does that example make the thinking behind the system clearer?