Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
And I'm glad you finally went for UGM , I'll be using it for the third time tonight.
Yeah, it's just so freakin' simple! I'm like you--as much as I seem like a rules grognard, I'm into rules-lite. I want good solid mechanics, but then I want to forget about them and focus on the action and story-telling happening in the game.
Mechanics to me are like a house foundation. You've got to have a good base on which to build your house, but once that house is built, you never think of the foundation (unless there's a crack in it!) and always focus on the house (the story!).
When cracks do appear in the foundation, that's when the foundation makes itself known to you.
I looked at CTI, and I saw that I could, for example, have my Stat-3 characters consistently rolling low. Yeah, UGM is a lot more forgiving of low stat characters. But, in a lot of areas, UGM and CTI are a lot alike in the probability department.
It was a tight race. To me, CTI is simple to use. But UGM is very, very simple.
I opted for the very, very simple rather than merely the "simple".
But, I'm on board with ya.
My game will use UGM.