Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
Oh, and how would a character with Skill-0 be different under that system from a character without Skill-0?
I was wondering when that question would come up.
What is Skill-0? It's a minimum amount of expertise in an area--an introductory amount of knowlege in that area.
Book 1 tells us that every character has every regular type of weapon in that book at a minimum of expertise (Skill-0), but it's not necessary to write it on the character sheet.
What I'm referencing in your question above is that definition of Skill-0.
Therefore, one aspect of Skill-0 is any area where a person needs no formal training.
Anything that you can do, without any training, is Skill-0. There is probably a Running skill for some people (some people know the ins and outs of Running....see making new skills in Book 1), but everybody, unless physically handicapped, can run a little bit.
So, everybody has Running-0.
We don't write that on our character sheets because it's not important to adventuring in Traveller (if the character had Runnin-1, we would write that on the character's sheet so we wouldn't forget that he's got better than Skill-0).
So, when making attribute checks, the person is considered as having some skill (whatever it is, isn't important) in attempting what he's doing.
If I try to force a locked door down in my house, I'm using some skill I have (Skill-0). A trained FBI agent that's been on many raids (or maybe even a burgler) would have better than Skill-0 in this area.
So, I've always defined every task to include the use of a skill and a governor stat. I argue against "attribute-only" rolls. To me, they are Skill-0 rolls with a governor stat, just like every other task.
If you don't agree with that, it will make no difference in your use of UGM. A Skill-0 task roll is the exact same roll as a task roll where no skill was used.
For me, it's just defintion.
So, if you like the definition of attribute only task rolls, then the actual mechanics of dice rolling is exactly the same as what I'm calling a Skill-0 task roll.
(For me, attribute checks are done the old fashioned CT way of rolling Stat or less on 2D or 3D...whatever the situation calls for.)
Your original question was...
QUOTE]Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
Oh, and how would a character with Skill-0 be different under that system from a character without Skill-0? [/QUOTE]
Given that explanation above, I would say, in my game, there are no characters who have no skill. If a character can attempt a task, he's got at least Skill-0 automatically.