Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Which is a long winded way to get to the point.
If you roll box cars and fail because the task is too hard, reduce the difficulty by one step and roll again.
The task may still be too difficult for you, but you may roll box cars again...
Obviously one way to do it, Sig.
But, as you stated, what you've just suggested is all about dice rolls and blind luck. (Boxcars, then roll again at lower level.)
What I suggested for UGM (Boxcars, then roll check) still includes influence of Stat and Skill and difficulty.
Take a Stat-7 Skill-2 character.
He rolls boxcars on an Easy task, then he rolls 13 or less on 3D (7 +2 +4).
Boxcars on a Routine task means his check is lower: 11 or less on 3D. (7 +2 +2).
Boxcars on a Standard task, even harder check: 9 or less on 3D.
Boxcars on Difficult task: 7 or less on 3D.
Boxcars on Challenging task: 5 or less on 3D.
Boxcars on Formidable task: 3 on 3D.
Boxcars on Insane or Impossible task: SS not possible for this character.
This way, as the Skill level and Stat level changes, different checks are used. And, the check gets harder the harder a task is...
...I've always believed that Spectacular Success should be harder to obtain for a Formidable task than for an Easy task. Likewise, I think Spectacular Failure should be harder to avoid on a Formidable task than for an Easy task.
This little mechanic I've suggested for UGM SS and SF pulls all those considerations into play.
Instead of just being a blind-luck roll, natural ability, skill level, and task difficulty all contribute to the success of SS checks or the avoidance of SF.