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Traveller 2013 Calendar

I'll do up a Traveller image for the Calender...

Need a Starship, an Encounter, a landing, a futuristic city, what would be a good addition?
Today was light testing day for my scene. Also color tests, using a John Harris art style. With and without atmospheres.
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OK, starting up an image - looks like mine will be the only traditionally done line and color ^.^

I'm looking at a girl doing parkour in a Traveller cityscape. But...she's doing parkour with a gravpack!

WIPs in a few days!
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quick sketch studies of the traceuse from the Calender submission Im working up. The first two are a bit rough and maybe cartoonish...the last is the more realistic style I will likely go with



Fun over fashion.

If you want my opinion, I would way go with the woman in the first two pictures. She looks like she is having a blast! She digs it. Hell, she might even grok it.

Because defying gravity is cool.

(But never forget, taunting Physics can be extremely dangerous. :devil:)

I'd use the second pic, too, it looks in that one like she is one-handing off the edge of a building to do a backflip before landing on the building across from her. With a gravbelt she could be doing that 100+ stories up with the world below her.
Had to render my Rampart in modo since Vue only does the bare minimum with normal maps (nothing basically). I emailed you my final render, Ian.
thanks! The idea was to do a bit that indelibly reflects spaceflight without overemphasizing the machine elements. And to be honest, the weightlessness and perspective made it interesting technically as well. I'm developing this a bit more.
Beautiful work on the engineer. Now I have the song "Lola, the Engineer" running threw my head. :)

Though I think she's a bit too clean. I'd have some grease on her hands, a smudge on her face, and one of the legs of her pants floating "up" a few inches.

Thanks for showing us the pic.
well, she wouldn't necessarily be all " grungified" as Sushi would put it, depending on the TL - star trek engineers seldom got dirty for all their crawling around in jefferies tubes because they weren't doing anything that actually got them dirty - changing out optical relays and modules doesn't get one too mucky. Of course, all that changes when you're working on mechanicals, where lubes, tailings, and grease occurs. That's why Kaylee on Firefly always had a charming smudge or two!( I never reckoned the Serenity at better than Tech 11 at best and it was always stated she had " been down the road a bit")

But that's not to say I wasn't thinking along the same lines - what you see here is a rough pencil, and is far from completion. There's much still to be done!
this is a common misconception -crew on the space station don't typically use tethers " indoors" for the same reason Sushi doesn't - they soon entangle the user. On an EVA, of course, its a different matter, and tools are always dummy corded to the astronaut, but when inside the " fod hazard" is less a matter of hazard and more an annoyance - its been commented by astronauts its actually rather handy to keep tools at hand this way.

unlike tools used in a vacuum environment, tools inside the station ( and I imagine spacecraft) are simply standard off the shelf but high quality tools.After all, its still just an earth environment.

This wasn't speculation on my part but was informed by the expedient of simply asking an astronaut.
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