Originally posted by thrash:
* Provide a rationale for the canonical but currently inexplicable presence of pirates and armed private merchant ships
If you think an extra jump or two is too much to pay, feel free to try and cover as many bases at once.
I know I snipped lots. I personally would prefer a way to get the jump from inhabited system to inhabited system to be the norm instead of the exception. As far as Pirates and armed Merchants go. If you don't make Military sensors all powerful and all seeing then there are plenty of places for Pirates to hide, base, and operate. A Star system is a big place. If a system doesn't have a large space presence, Starport class D-, TL 8-, then as long as the Pirates hide, for example, keep a Gas Giant, or similar heavenly body between them and the Naval ship they will remain hidden. Or perhaps sit in a cave on an Asteroid or other piece of Rock. Or they could simply Jump out if the Navy came in on top of them by chance. This would support the small independent pirate or small group of pirates which appears to be canon. So would situations where local governments are supporting pirates, either as Privateers in a local interstellar war, or actually taking kickbacks/bribes in return for basing there. Similar to Silesia in the Honor Harrington books.
What Canon doesn't support is large pirate bands, except in special situations, large pirate ships, (Again except in Special Situations) and a general need to keep Pirate operations minor.
With lots of uninhabited, unpatrolable space, there is now a place for the large Pirate bands, the Large Pirate Cruisers, etc. Piracy stops being the occasional thing and becomes more of an Organized Crime problem. Look at the Canon Corsair. It is a 400 ton ship that isn't quite a warship but has enough juice to take on the typical Merchantman up to 400 tons. However it can't carry all the cargo of a 400 Ton Fat Trader. It is also a hit one ship then return home operation. Since Merchantmen obviously get bigger than 400 tons. If you give Pirates places to happily congregate and get up to no good in larger groups then you will see Corsairs in the Destroyer to Cruiser range. Running sweeps like the Navy and longer patrols picking up all sorts of merchants before heading home.
That is one of the issues I have with all the uninhabited systems in between the habitated ones.
The other issue is, that while it may not be profitable for Major Corporations to populate a system, or a Government might not for one reason or another. Establishing fueling stations along major routes for their ships, generally orbiting Gas Giants, would make sense. Then you could conduct minor repairs, load up on refined fuel without endangering your cargo with a fuel skimming operation. Generally keep the area around the fueling operation relatively safe. (well except against things like Destroyer+ Pirates operating in Wolf Packs.) Now a Megacorporation is likely to attempt to help realize a profit from such operations and would probably sell the same services to other merchants coming through. they might even have warehouse space and be set up as a transfer station for their goods that have to go in different directions. Some of that wharehouse space might be empty for periods of time, why not rent it out. Now some of these stations could be local operations. They are supplied with plenty of fuel. There is enough raw material to use fusion stills, for water. Ther is also sufficeint material for food sysnthesis. Now these stations would have to have a defense force, to keep themselves from being taken over by Pirates.
So now we have a bunch of people, which, in itself, qualifies under Traveller rules as an Inhabited system, sitting on their butts waiting for the next convoy to come through or the next Pirate attack. Mostly just sitting and waiting. Now an honest merchant minded individual such as myself, with access to a Small ship, say a Far Trader, sees an opportunity here. So I load up my ship with fresh food, the latest Holovids, and perhaps some passengers of questionable but buyable sexual morals and take a trip to this station. I sell the food, and the Holos, hang out for a week and return. (Passengers and all.) Some of the Passengers decide that they won't get bored for a while and stay there, others that I take on an earlier trip are bored and want to go home. Now I am making a nice profit but a friend of mine sees another possibility, he gets on as a passenger, rents out some empty space there, and some warehouse space and starts buying cargoes from Merchants passing through. Selling to others as they pass through. Suddenly we have spec trade going on here as well. The Station qualifies as, at a minimum, a Class B Starport. There is a population, rather quickly, in the less than 100 range but it still counts as Population 2. All driven by trade. Now if a Mega Corp doesn't see the profit in this but a local merchant from a nearby planet does then it could also be an independent operation. Since we have a defended base some Prospectoirs are likely to come through and take a look at the local Resource exploitation possibilities, ooops a Strike and within a short period of time you have a Major population.
But in anycase your uninhabited systems aren't likely to stay that way, especially if they are on Trade routes. And we are exploding the size of the Imperium. It might take a little time to get most of them with some kind of population on them, some of them might be military bases, some Scout X-Boat bases but they will all grow because where there is service to provide someone will provide that service. But in a period of less than 100 years they will virtually all be populated in one way or another.
Remember that Life Support costs occur when there is no access to resources. (Generally in Jump Space.) While there is some cost to lifesupport in a stationary orbit, there is also cost in systems with a Size 0 main world. Or on worlds with no or bad atmosphere. (Gateway, Stoner and Glisten come immediately to mind and there are dozens of others in the OTU.) Uninhabitable, in Traveller doesn't mean uninhabitated. So life support when you have access to resources has to be less than on a Starship, especially when you are on a starship in Jump Space.