Originally posted by Bhoins:
3 man fire teams? Interesting. Kind of sidesteps the old military ideal that everyone has one buddy they are responsible for and who is responsible for them. (Two = one, one = none) It also causes problems when it comes time to defend an area. generally foxholes are set up as two person positions. (Primarily so you aren't falling asleep by yourself, and because nobody in a defensive position fires straight ahead. (You fire out at an angle left and right from a position, and deny an enemy a straight shot from their lines into your position.)
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Aramis:
Now, from MTU...
certain elite merc units use:
3 man FT: 2 pvts and a LCpl/Cpl
2 FT + Sgt/SSgt = Sqd
1 Tank=Sqd
</font>[/QUOTE]The three man teams worked out the way they did as two soldats and a LCPL...
The campaign where this org originated was from an elite merc unit... and defined for MTU the nature of elite forces IMTU.
Y'see, the guy with the plasma is the prime target; the rest of the team needs to support him. The SL moves teams at a time. Then again, the squad comm is usually lasercomm backed up by radio...
I recently used a more traditional org for a marine In-service game. Interesting thing is that they set up a system of comm channels.
Each squad had a channel of it's own. All members TXRX
Each Plt had a channel of it's own, All NCO's and Plt Ldr TXRX, platoon memebers Rx only.
Each Co had an All call (CO, XO, Ops, 1Sgt, PltLdrs and Plt Sgts TXRX, all others in Co Rx Only), a Cadre (All NCO's and Officers, TXRX. No "members", and Co Chat (all members TXRX, No official data...)
Each Bn had a Bn All Call (Bn CO, XO, B1Sgt, all Bn Staff Officers, all Co CO XO and 1Sgt TXRX, all others Rx only), BnCadre (Bn CO, XO, B1Sgt, all Bn Staff Officers, all Co CO XO and 1Sgt TXRX), Bn Staff (CO, XO and staff officers and staff not assigned to subordinate units, all TXRX), and BnHQ (All persons in the HC plt TXRX), plus Tac1-5 (each is not a normal Rx, but is available to all persons)
Reg HQ added Reg All Call (Reg CO, XO, RSM, Ops, Bn CO's B1Sgt's all TXRX, all others in regt Rx Only), Reg Cadre (All Reg NCO's and officers TXRX), Reg HQ, FDC Call (all qualed FO's TXRX, Battery and Gun Commanders TXRX, Gun Crews Rx), and Compound Watch (current watch detail TXRX, all others Rx), plus comms reprog channel (Reg & Bn Signalman TXRX, all others auto RX).
What is interesting in what they did is that the suboardinate leaders had transmit and recieve, but their subordinates were generally recieve only, and that the chat channels were for just that, idle chat. All the coms were equipped with Voice recognition switching.
They made excellent use of them... and had detailed override priorities, too.
Good for them the Regiment was the deployed unit. Too bad they were "Drop Deployed" (IE, the naval support did NOT stick around after insertion), and they were on "Take then hold until relieved" orders.