No, why would that be a problem? For those that didn't want to bother with the formula there was a table with typical distances.Does anyone think the space Travel formulas put anybody off from playing the game?
No, why would that be a problem? For those that didn't want to bother with the formula there was a table with typical distances.Does anyone think the space Travel formulas put anybody off from playing the game?
No, why would that be a problem? For those that didn't want to bother with the formula there was a table with typical distances.
That was my exact assessment. I got to pre-calc in middle school, and was actually reading algebra books on my own when I was still in grade school, so it wasn't the math that bothered me in the least.The table didn't exist in Classic Traveller ('77 and '81).
It was added for The Traveller Book. (A terrific addition.)
Part of the problem I had with it when I was a teen first seeing the formulas was not the math itself, but why they were valuable. The text never says, "This will help you determine how much time until a ship reaches safety at a port or to jump out of system. So use this when encounters begin if a race to safety is occurring." Because, other than that, as far as I can tell, the formulas don't add much fun to play.
My teen brain got stuck on this: "So, we have to calculate this when a ship jumps in system.... why? What am I missing?" Because I couldn't see how the pieces fit together at the time.
Man, I hope I don't sound like I'm dumping on the game, because I have had loads of fun with Traveller, but the travel formulae seemed really extraneous to me.
It was the fact that the math didn't add fun to the game. Oh sure, if kinda sorta made you feel like you were playing a game that smarter than it actually was, but it's like when would you use them for any real detail of adventure related play? It was just busy work. And no fun busy work.
Man, I hope I don't sound like I'm dumping on the game, because I have had loads of fun with Traveller, but the travel formulae seemed really extraneous to me.
I know of no official explanation.I still have no idea as to why you jump with no relative velocity. Is there any explanation for that?
I think the travel formulas assumed that no other science nor technology (other than the basic thrust of the maneuver drive) were operating. That is you had US Apollo program like flight mechanics as opposed to the Millenium Falcon. Ergo I'm guessing Marc Miller tried to apply NASA space flight technology to a Star Wars like environment.
Just use the travel formula (or any mechanic) when it is essential to the fun of the game: if, for instance, you are in a race against time to get a vaccine to a plague-stricken outpost, or on a mission to intercept an assassin who will strike at a particular ceremony, or something of that like then how long your ships takes to get there is vitally important to success or failure. Or a mail contract for a vital contract. For standard trade or exploration, time may not be so much of the essence.
Your first two sentences are correct. The third is not: Traveller '77 was written before Star Wars was released. There was not Star Wars-like environment. The implied setting was very much a 1950-60s Hard SF feel.
Imagine how SW could have/would have affected Traveller, had they written it one year later. Traveller is in some senses a distillation of science fiction that came before Star Wars.
The table didn't exist in Classic Traveller ('77 and '81).
It was added for The Traveller Book. (A terrific addition.)
It was included in the '81 edition (Book 2, page 10).
Your first two sentences are correct. The third is not: Traveller '77 was written before Star Wars was released. There was not Star Wars-like environment. The implied setting was very much a 1950-60s Hard SF feel.
According to Marc's designers notes article, no, it was not. Star Wars (summer 77) was the impetus to polish off the design, released in fall 77.
Q: What impact did Star Wars and the whole slew of Science Fiction films have on your perceptions of Traveller as the game evolved beyond the Little Black Books?
A: Loren Wiseman and I drove to suburban Chicago to see Star Wars in the interval between when we sent Traveller to the printer and when it came back. We were both riveted to our seats, seeing this aspect of Traveller and that aspect of Traveller in scene. Making Star Wars stuff possible in Traveller seemed obvious to us: clearly there were players looking for that potential.
Remember that the original concept for Traveller was very GURPS-ish: a generic system that could emulate every possible part of SF. And in the first year, we did very little support beyond the basic rules. It was only after we started writing adventures that the Imperium started taking shape as a real background.
I still have no idea as to why you jump with no relative velocity. Is there any explanation for that? I view that as an open invitation to attack. I am also not a fan of continuous 1-G or X-G boost either. If you are not slowing down, travel time is about the same for an hour or two boost and then coast.
Does anyone think the space Travel formulas put anybody off from playing the game?
The designer's commentary is in Dragon magazine. The timing is mentioned in the Imperium Designers' Notes, Dragon 20. Origins (where Traveller was released) was after Star Wars.This is fascinating. Are those note available anywhere? I'd love to read them.
I was going by this quote from Marc, which I read years ago, from an interview I think in 2010:
So, I've gone with that assumption for a while now!
EDIT: Oh, hey. I tracked down that quote to this site.