Jeff, I'm quite taken by your Type W. Before I finally cruised over here and saw the specs, I assumed it would be a low-budget large-volume freighter. Imagine my surprise at your effective use of a 100 ton hull. However, I would think (maybe this is an IMTU) that the Type W might be a specification for any ship that is primarily a low-cost cargo hauler:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> The Type W Barge has an economic specification:
low performance characteristics (M1, J1)
low passenger-to-crew ratio </pre>[/QUOTE]I would then say that the Type W "Hopper" is your 100t design.
Playing around with the design, (particularly if you have gearhead tendencies) I'd suggest trying it out with an 0.5G maneuver drive, thus freeing up two more tons of space (one from the M-drive, one from fuel). Of course, all ship designs are plus-or-minus 10%, so the change really falls beneath the approximation threshold, but it's yet another annoying factor for those bargain basement starships.
I'd also suggest trying it out with a 100t planetoid hull, just for kicks.
And without further ado, the 10,000 Type W "Brock":
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Hull Vol MCr
Planetoid 10000 5
(free space) 8500
J-1 500 500
M-0.5 50 150
P-1 200 400
fuel 1050 -
Bridge 20 -
ECS package 1 1
16 staterooms
(crew/dbl occ) 64 8
4 ELB 4 2
Hangar 150 15
Shuttle* 95 3
Cargo 6366 1094 (new)
* The shuttle functions as a lifeboat and as a fuel skimmer.</pre>[/QUOTE]