Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
And I read that as a bold clarification that the reduced characteristics apply not only as a temporary reduction in characteristics for all the usual characteristic effects but also for damage.
I suggest you read carefully the CT combat section again in The Traveller Book.
Seriously, all one has to do to avoid the penalty is drop some load. If you can't, it sucks to be you.
That's right. If you are 777 and encumbered, you play the character with 777 stats except for when applying damage. When applying damage, you consider the character to be 666.
If he drops some load, unencumbered, he's considered 777 again for wounding purposes.
And further it seems obvious that the load you can carry should be recalculated after any combat that reduces Str to the new temporary lower Str.
No, because then you're allowing your hit points to effect your carrying capacity. It's the other way around. Load affects how many hit points you have. A heavy, encumbered load "damages" you temporarily.
However, how many hit points you have does not effect your load at all, just like it doesn't affect other stat influenced calculations.
Do you think that means it is wrong to recalculate?
Or does it make more sense to you that my Str B with a light load of 8kg who gets shot up and is reduced (until healed) to a mere Str 4 can still skip along at his merry old pace with the same 8kg load?
STR-B, damaged to STR-4, is still STR-B for all purposes except hit points.
You're thinking the character is reduced to STR-4. He's not. He's still STR-B.
(Think of it like this: He's STR-B with X number of hit points. X is reduced to Y, as in D&D. But, the character is still STR-B.)
Believe me. I know this isn't how you've done it all these years, but I know what I'm talking about. Read the book, and you'll see.
I don't think you've grasped the dual nature of how physical stats are use in CT: both as hit points and as attributes.