C3 (Command/Control/Communications) can't be shore side - the ships are often 2 weeks each way out of contact. (4 weeks round trip). More correctly, C3 has to be distributed - Commodores will need the C3 on site for their flotillas, but Fleet HQ won't be doing actual Command/Control. It will be a coordination center, but it can't be doing command effectively in real-time.
I just provided a historical example of admirals who did mostly stay put and directed their ships to cometh and goeth: Age of Sail admirals on foreign stations. Do you think the analogy is flawed or are you talking about something different?
(Admiral on foreign station ~ Admiral of Numbered fleet
Governor ~ Subsector duke
Provincial capital ~ Subsector capital
Ships assigned to station ~ Numbered fleet
Admiralty back home ~ Sector admiral)
I repeat that I'm talking about peacetime deployment, not wartime. A fleet admiral will sit in his HQ (or in his flagship in orbit around the world; either way he isn't going anywhere) with some of his squadrons in orbit. Other squadrons (or half-squadrons or divisions) will be stationed at other bases in the subsector with lesser ships patrolling or picketing.
Not that all fleet admirals will be moving aroung like flies in a bottle even in wartime. Many admirals assigned to defend an area will pick the world where his heaviest squadrons will do the most good and send out smaller forces to cover other worlds. Such an admiral will be away from his HQ, sure, but he's going to try to be someplace strategically valuable.
Incidentally, the movement mechanics in FFW probably make fleets and admirals more active than they were in "reality". In FFW you can't move squadrons around without a fleet counter and an admiral. In "reality" you can order a squadron to go somewhere else and expect them to do so without having their hands held by their admiral.
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