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What would you like to see in a new Traveller Adventure?

More GROUND adventures!!!...of all types..

so lets hear some ideas about strictly TRAVELLER ground adventures!....
What would not qualify as a strictly Traveller Ground Adventure? Nothing with any magic in it of course. How about an adventure set in a world similar to our own except with a starport that is kept secret from the average citizens. The starport is located at the planet's south pole and most of the average citizenry don't know that it exists, they are not even aware of any extraplanetary civilizations out their other than their own. There are roughly 200+ nations on the planet's surface all existing at tech level 7 and one nation in particular owns the southern continent where the Star Port is located, it is this nation's government that keeps the Star Port a secret. Lets say that the PCs are from this planet. From their perspective it looks like their playing D20 modern, then a starship crashes in their backyard. They manage to pull an alien out of the starship who looks disturbingly like a human. Soon a couple of government investigators show up at their doorstep and want to take a look at the wreckage...
I like many of the above story arcs. But, we if are thinking about creating a New Traveller Adventure or any grand romp...we have to consider those small nuggets that also act as fillers but do not overall advance or divert the plot.

Ideas for these:

1. Loyalities. It is the time when the Rim war tests the beliefs of citizens of the Imperium. They have to make moral choices that may impact upon generations to come.

2. Serving a term on K'kree starship crewed mainly by the non-major races of the One Thousand Worlds. Giving insight into the psychologies of the minor races as well as their overlords.

3. Rich boy in distress. Reverse the gender of the classic Princess in Distress.

4. Solve an engineering problem. If left unattended would mean the collapse of life support. Having a self-aware virus program (but not yet self-reproducing) to cause of the fault. Foreshadowing what might be to come...in the Far, Far Future.

5. Explorations on a psionic tolerant non-Imperial planet and a beneficial role that the Zhodani play with trade and aid plus, trying to influence culture but locals resist cultural imperialism as much as they welcome superior Zhodani goods.

look forward to what others think?
Originally posted by kafka47:
I like many of the above story arcs. But, we if are thinking about creating a New Traveller Adventure or any grand romp...we have to consider those small nuggets that also act as fillers but do not overall advance or divert the plot.

Ideas for these:

1. Loyalities. It is the time when the Rim war tests the beliefs of citizens of the Imperium. They have to make moral choices that may impact upon generations to come.

Hmmm, foreshadowing of future millenium's events..cool idea. Long haul epic campaign there..

2. Serving a term on K'kree starship crewed mainly by the non-major races of the One Thousand Worlds. Giving insight into the psychologies of the minor races as well as their overlords.

THIS is a novel idea, one that hasn't been done before!

3. Rich boy in distress. Reverse the gender of the classic Princess in Distress.

"Captain's Courageous" in space? Who plays Spencer Tracy's fisherman/Belter role?- I wanna know!?

4. Solve an engineering problem. If left unattended would mean the collapse of life support. Having a self-aware virus program (but not yet self-reproducing) to cause of the fault. Foreshadowing what might be to come...in the Far, Far Future.

Several planets IIRC have those super computers running their life support systems (and a few have em with LARGE populations)-again, good idea-foreshadowing!

5. Explorations on a psionic tolerant non-Imperial planet and a beneficial role that the Zhodani play with trade and aid plus, trying to influence culture but locals resist cultural imperialism as much as they welcome superior Zhodani goods.
Hmmm...hotbed of intrigue there--with the Zhodani? Hmmm..that be an interesting thing for some mustered out Imperial adventurers to get across of..<smirk>..

We usually see the anti-psi bias of the Imperium way over played. This is a new wrinkle tho-and I applaud you for it! TY Much Kafka!
Originally posted by Antares Administration:
If you had a chance to add something to an adventure, what would it be?

Paul Nemeth
Quite simple really: I prefer to see adventures
that make the players think. That means elements
of mystery, detective work, investigation, research, and thought. Something more than "here come the bad guys" or "lookie! an alien!". The thing George Lucas missed in AotC was just this: You can't make a great work with just chrome. You need an underlying sound story. And the best stories will stand on their own, regardless of the level of chrome.

So, gizmos, gadgets, and aliens all take second fiddle to problem solving, investigation, and thinking. And in the format of something a ref is meant to use, the nugget based format for laying out an adventure with some clear synopsis of what ties things together, what clues can lead from A to B, and how to give players a helping hand if they are off in left field - these are the things that make an adveture useful, memorable, and fun.

On a side note, I notice you're in Ottawa! Bingo!
Me too. If you want to chat, drop me a line tomb at stargrunt dot ca.

Tomb Raider
aka Kaladorn

Forgot one thing I'd *really* like to see in new adventures - don't tie them so heavily to a single planet (makes them tougher to be used by a ref running things other places....) and don't tie them so tightly to a millieu/time period.

Many of the classic adventures can easily be set in just about any sector and in just about any of the eras (not all of them, but a lot of them). MT and GT seemed to focus too much on setting-related stuff, which is fine for some of the scenarios. But if one wants to make a more broadly-useful adventure, writing with some genericity (is that a word?) in mind will lead to a better product (by better, I mean appealing to a broader range of customers because it can be more easily grafted into MT, CT, etc).
Kaladorn has an idea there paul..
say, in order for someone with his/her own universe/ etc..say add thse lines
"or any planet with WXYZPDQ-TL.."in its UWP for them that prefer placing it In [their] TU.

On Kaladorn's second note, I think might be a wee superfluous. TA-5's adventure starts on one world, ends on another, for example...
And we have this Starfall cluster book coming out..lotsa planets there..
maybe a hopscotch to 2-3 or more of them.
Then again,. Kaladorn, the earlier the Linkworld's cluster "Kursis Charter" adventure (free!!), did just that-went places, and did different things on each world/ in system..
I think I'd like something like the Kursis Charter, as a general game. Other than that I'd like to see various adventures for specific "genres" of Traveller (i.e. mercs, merchants, spies and so forth).

Also give some tips for refereeing it.
Campain Idea...
Something I am working on is a world that has slowly evolved out of a nulcear holocost... say a century or more in the past.
"Mad Max meets Gamma World"
Something along those lines. The players can land, or crash land on a fairly remote world. Think of any 80's movie where roaming barbarians on souped up battle buggies, mish-mash armor and weapons, and sometimes mutated bodies pray on civilized bands of people trying to recreate society from the ashes...
Anyway, that's one idea. It might work in the Gateway area with lots of distance between systems and no real overpowering government.
Originally posted by Jak Nazrith:
Campain Idea...
Something I am working on is a world that has slowly evolved out of a nulcear holocost... say a century or more in the past.
"Mad Max meets Gamma World"
Something along those lines. The players can land, or crash land on a fairly remote world. Think of any 80's movie where roaming barbarians on souped up battle buggies, mish-mash armor and weapons, and sometimes mutated bodies pray on civilized bands of people trying to recreate society from the ashes...
Anyway, that's one idea. It might work in the Gateway area with lots of distance between systems and no real overpowering government.
Just a few Polyhedrons ago, they printed a d20 Conversion for Gamma World, if you can find the back issue, it might serve up some ideas for you.
^ Oddly enough, another great Post-Apoc resource is the CRPG's Fallout and Fallout 2. Fallout is Morrow Project meets Gamma World meets Paranoia! There is enough info on the web about these games that you don't even need the software (most of the "Marts" have the bundle for $10). Two-headed cattle, radioactive zombies, mutant rats, gen-eng trolls, and lots of guns; oh my!

It had a great character generation and advancement system too (one worthy of a pencil&paper game).
My idea on how to get characters from the Spinward Marches to the Gateway sector is even more off the wall. Assuming you are running a S.M. campaign between 1105 and 1120, you could have the players meet a mystery person's) who is contained in an encounter suit so that his (its) race or identity can't be determined. This individual(s) can either help or try to warn the players not to go to a specific place. This place is either a red giant nearing the nova stage, or a secret space within the abyss. The place should be amber zone at the very least, or even red zone. An imperial research station has been set up to study the process of the last days of a red giant. If the location is in the center of the abyss, the station is orbiting a black hole. In either case, once your players reach the destination, dropping off an important person/scientist, delivering an emergency supply, or just sneaking in, a catastrophe occurs. The Star goes nova and implodes creating a black hole, if in the abyss, the existing black hole expands suddenly sending out a destructive gravity wave. Either way the station is damaged/destroyed, the players maneuver drive is damaged badly (needing several days to repair), and their jump drive is damaged with just enough time for the players to repair the jump drive before they are swallowed into the great beyond.
No matter how well or how badly the players roll to make the jump, the will of course miss-jump.
The end up in the Gateway area... IN THE PAST! You can set the time line with the Gateway source material.
At this point I intend to introduce them to the "gamma world" planet and let them wonder where the heck they are. Eventually they will find enough parts to repair the ship, jump to the nearest star and I'll be able to watch their jaws drop as they find out where and WHEN they are.
The "mysterious stranger" is only a set up, so that if the players (now in the past) decide to intervene somehow with their past decisions, (now in the future), THEY will be the stranger!

Anyway, that's my idea. I know it needs LOTS of work to patch any gaping holes in the logic or possibilities...
Hope it gives you guys some ideas.

Have a great Friday. TIME TO PARTY! :)
^ Jak, great minds think alike! I have a very similar adventure, sort of a Posiedon Adventure meets The Black Hole. Make it a point to remind them constantly of the passage of time; I used a coffee mug and an eraser as props, moving the eraser closer and closer to the mug each time the play started to bog down. Their looting lasted almost to long and they almost didn't make it ;) !

I'd like to see the same mixture of adventure types in a new TTA as can be found in the old TTA. Take a peek at that old product again with an eye towards the 'style' of the many aventures found within.

The PCs are merchies but they get mixed up in every one of the 'stereotypical' Traveller adventures. They deal with mysteries; the broach, the wallet, and the Arekut plot. They deal with combat; the trade war, Aramanx, and the corsairs. They trade, engage in jail breaks, wrangle with bureaucracies, get involved in politics, acquire a patron, earn enemies, and even get tested for psionic aptitude. Hell, they even go on a lumbering expedition! In short, they do it ALL.

That's what a new TTA must do; provide a bit of each 'stereotypical' Traveller adventure. Pick a cluster, add a long term mystery/plot, and then cram it full of hooks, seeds, encounters, patrons, odd jobs, NPCs, subplots, intrigue, pushes, pulls, threats, and gimmicks as you can manage. The GM and the PCs will take it from there.

I've followed this thread fairly closely, and I'm gonna weigh in with Larsen.

Really, with the grand scope of the Rim War, a Traveller D20 Adventure Book shouldn't have any problems with the overall campaign plot. Add to that the brewing hassle betwixt the Two Dukes from Dukh and you can have a grand ol' time without even leaving the Domain.

The book should have that sense of PPGE (Push, Pull, Gimmick, Enigma) that the CT Trav Adventure book had, along with the mix of Amber Zones, Casual Encounters, Patron Encounters, scripted adventures, alien encounters, and so on.
Just a quick thought:

What about the opening of new trading routes with the obligatory exploration, establishing trade, building relationships with locals, and uncovering untold riches.

The Imperium could be establishing trading outposts along a formerly minor route (trying to beef up internal economic growth), giving the characters the ample opportunity to play out scout, merchant, starship crew, or hired gun type adventures. Most of the storylines could be open ended enough to allow characters of all types to find rewards in participating.

Example: A large deposit of valuable minerals are discovered on planet X.

Scout - determine extent of deposit, determine best place to establish base of operations (mine shafts, processing facility, etc.), survey transportation route to starport

Merchant - develop business contacts on world to support large scale mining (supplies, workers, transportation, administrative), determine necessity for bribes/kickbacks with local officials and organized crime

Starship Crew - contract to provide services to new mine, move required materials to new site, determine pirate activity in area

Hired Gun - track down and eliminate large predators in area that pose threat to miners and company personnel, determine requirements for and provide security for new facility

Covert Operative - Alien governments have sent agents to determine the military significance of the mineral deposit and whether sabotage of the mining effort is warranted

In addition to the above throw in some stumbling blocks like:

- The Mob wants in on the action with either starting a union, selling drugs, prostitution, etc. but the company officials say no; Mob retaliates with sabotage, inciting riot, or hijacking of equipment

- Ancient artifacts are found at the mining site and the company wants to cover up the find to prevent additional permitting or Imperial shut down of the facility

- Pirates are in orbit demanding their cut before any ships are allowed to jump out of system

- Local anti-Imperialists start campaign of terror against off-world company personnel

- Wild game, caught by miners as food/pets, are contaminated with parasite/disease that is deadly to off-worlders

With just one base scenario, there are multiple possible adventures, and the combinations are limitless. This even allows for groups to split up and adventure in their specialties AND the frequent return to the same setting (last time we built the mine, this time we need to drive off local terrorists, next time we need to deliver medical supplies to defeat a plague). Reoccuring NPC's would take on a more important role too.

Again, just a quick and disorganized thought.
A mysterious new empire somewhere Out There that nobody knows anything about but everybody wants to know more about(whether from greed,fear or both)This could involve trade, scout, mercs,and anything that can be thought of, all in one giant campaign.
I would want to see a return to the themes explored in the Ancients trilogy. But, bringing in more mysteries of the present day instead of dungeon-crawls.
Whoa!!! :eek:
Did someone mention Morrow Project??! :eek:

I usually get blank stares when I mention that classic.

On Topic:
Lots of good ideas. Especially looking to the old adventures/Amber Zones for inspiration.
I would tend to avoid the "new Empire/Races" though. There's more than enough already.
Overall, the themes of exploration hold the most promise. Charting new systems, cataloging new flora & fauna or resource exploration can all be a premise for lots of adventures.

On firts glance, it sounds boring, but considering the cut-throat motives of large corporations; securing resources first (and holding them) can lead to some exciting times.

Studying new exotic plants/animals can have potential, especially when said plants/animals swollow the tech that was just standing next to you.

While charting a system, you discover..oops..that the Pirate cartel that already resides there isn't too happy with a map of their backyard getting to the Empire.

My point being, that even the most mundane exploratory duties can open up thousands of ideas.
