My idea on how to get characters from the Spinward Marches to the Gateway sector is even more off the wall. Assuming you are running a S.M. campaign between 1105 and 1120, you could have the players meet a mystery person's) who is contained in an encounter suit so that his (its) race or identity can't be determined. This individual(s) can either help or try to warn the players not to go to a specific place. This place is either a red giant nearing the nova stage, or a secret space within the abyss. The place should be amber zone at the very least, or even red zone. An imperial research station has been set up to study the process of the last days of a red giant. If the location is in the center of the abyss, the station is orbiting a black hole. In either case, once your players reach the destination, dropping off an important person/scientist, delivering an emergency supply, or just sneaking in, a catastrophe occurs. The Star goes nova and implodes creating a black hole, if in the abyss, the existing black hole expands suddenly sending out a destructive gravity wave. Either way the station is damaged/destroyed, the players maneuver drive is damaged badly (needing several days to repair), and their jump drive is damaged with just enough time for the players to repair the jump drive before they are swallowed into the great beyond.
No matter how well or how badly the players roll to make the jump, the will of course miss-jump.
The end up in the Gateway area... IN THE PAST! You can set the time line with the Gateway source material.
At this point I intend to introduce them to the "gamma world" planet and let them wonder where the heck they are. Eventually they will find enough parts to repair the ship, jump to the nearest star and I'll be able to watch their jaws drop as they find out where and WHEN they are.
The "mysterious stranger" is only a set up, so that if the players (now in the past) decide to intervene somehow with their past decisions, (now in the future), THEY will be the stranger!
Anyway, that's my idea. I know it needs LOTS of work to patch any gaping holes in the logic or possibilities...
Hope it gives you guys some ideas.
Have a great Friday. TIME TO PARTY!
