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Which do you prefer: a modernised LBB2 or a modernised High Guard

Which do you prefer: a modernised LBB2 or a modernised High Guard

  • I use a non-CT ship system

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Taking the question I've posted here a little further, I'd like to know which of the two CT ship systems would you want "modernized" - High Guard or LBB2? By modernized I mean an expansion of technologies available, a fixed combat system (so that LBB2 combat would work with multi-weapon ships and HG would work with small, PC-scale combat) and a streamlining of some of the rules; the core of each system will be kept, but the applications would be modified to provide both better gameplay and an increased variety of options.
I voted for a modernised LBB2, purely because of its ease-of-use. I have nothing against HG, and I usually design in both systems simultaneously.

However, if the bumps in the LBB2 design tables can be smoothed out, I think it would be a much more player-friendly system.

On a personal note, I'm not even that bothered about including HG weapons or hull sizes above 10,000 dtons or so. Players should never need to get into a fight with such vessels, and (as has been made clear in other threads) HG makes for a pretty dull wargame.
Gads, I don't know. I think High Guard can never be an adequate small-ship, role-playing system unless it absorbs Book 2, and Book 2 can never be a wargaming, big-ship system unless it absorbs High Guard. And both of them can use updating.
Robject, I aggree

I use both books..book 2 for combat and H. G. for ship construction. As for one book absorbing another, I like to join the two through role playing. No ship, no matter the size, moves or performs without an order to do so........

......And so I didn't vote because I'd like to see both books updated
Book 2 all the way.
(haughty and dismissive wave of hand)
Leave High Guard for the wargamers. Book 2 is for role players.
LBB2 was my vote.

As a diehard wargamer, I have to say: HG is NOT what a fun wargame system looks like. The whole design and combat system left me cold.

LBB2 might have lumps and warts all over, but damn is it a fun system to use.
I went for the modded LBB2, with the caveat that the only mods I'm really interested in are not changes to the existing system, but completions of it: finish the rules on sand, finish the rules on missiles *without* metastasizing into SS3.1 and so on.
Except that Mayday's scale is so infernally large compared to LBB2's. You can make interpretations in LBB2 that are informed by MAYDAY but it's still not the simple "completion" of the Book 2 trules that seems to have been called for.

If Book 2 had, before wandering off into Experience and Drugs, simply made some clear statements:

1: explaining sand behavior,
2: giving the performance of that basic cr.5,000 missile, and
3: incorporated the final Starter Traveller mod of "pulse lasers -1, 2 hits damage" (or at least not abandoned the first edition mod of pulse lasers -1)
4: and oh yes, corrected (either in the text or on the form) the CPU space on Jump programs.

then I probably wouldn't have any quibbles with LBB2 at all.

Now that I think about it, If LBB2 hadn't digressed into drugs and experience, they'd have had more room to do a more complete drive performance table, and probably a decent, simple "missile contstruction"
Yep, Drugs should have been in LBB3 with the rest of the equipment, and experience should have been in LBB1.

Sandcasters remain one of those "how are they meant to work" things for me.
If a ship has a triple turret filled with sandcasters does that provide a -9 DM to be hit?
I didn't vote either. In my usual mish-mash style I'm always happy to see new rules for Traveller in any version. If I like 'em I'll include 'em.

I use LBB2 for dogfights/roleplay, LBB5 for ship design, Full Thrust/Power Projection for set battles, and Pocket Empires for strategic actions.
All modified by my own house rules, of course.