Blix brings up a point regarding this site not bothering with anything beyond the OTU. More to the point, if they do focus on rules, it's only on the first four editions of Traveller (CT, MT, TNE, T4), T5, and nothing after that. If that is the case, then why not actually build the site around that idea and stop pretending that anything else matters?
To me, this site is misleading. It pays lip service to the idea of being "the" home of ALL Traveller, and yet the focus of the participants is on one thing and one thing only: the OTU as presented in the first four editions of Traveller and in T5. MgT, GURPS Traveller, and T20 are generally ignored.
If MgT, GURPS Traveller, and T20 are generally ignored, then why have them here? MgT players and GURPS Traveller players have their own sites they can go where the environment is far less intimidating, the people friendlier, and discussion doesn't always center around whether Cleon I was a magnificent bastard of an Emperor or not. Since the two current editions of Traveller have their own message boards, this means two things:
Off-Topic Discussion
|__>The Lone Star
|__>Random Static
|__>Duty Free Shop
Traveller Discussion
|__>Classic Traveller
|__>Traveller: The New Era
|__>Traveller, 4th Edition
Play By Post
|__>In Character
|__>Out of Character
Administration (no child forums, viewable only by moderators)
I dare anyone to tell me that what you see above is more difficult to navigate than the mess on the index page now. This is a site that keeps to the site's actual focus without being difficult to use and consequently without being a headache to moderate.
There are other issues regarding this site that need fixing as well, though a complete streamlining of the forums is the highest priority when it comes to making this site relevant once again. Nevertheless, in no particular order.
Are you willing to take the risk or will you stand by and do nothing?
Given past history, my bet is on you doing nothing. Prove me wrong.
To me, this site is misleading. It pays lip service to the idea of being "the" home of ALL Traveller, and yet the focus of the participants is on one thing and one thing only: the OTU as presented in the first four editions of Traveller and in T5. MgT, GURPS Traveller, and T20 are generally ignored.
If MgT, GURPS Traveller, and T20 are generally ignored, then why have them here? MgT players and GURPS Traveller players have their own sites they can go where the environment is far less intimidating, the people friendlier, and discussion doesn't always center around whether Cleon I was a magnificent bastard of an Emperor or not. Since the two current editions of Traveller have their own message boards, this means two things:
- You're lying when you say this is the home of All Traveller.
- The message boards here need to change to reflect what the site's focus should be.
- Administration Forums: need to combined into one and moved to the bottom of the index page.
- General Discussions: needs to be re-labeled "Off Topic Discussion" and have all its subforums except for "The Lone Star" and "Duty Free Shop" combined along with their posts into a new "Random Static" subforum, along with the discussions from the old Random Static forum. The board software is not so decrepit that links are going to break, moderator complaints to the contrary notwithstanding.
- Other Versions of Traveller: the following forums need to be deleted: MgT, GURPS, T20, Traveller wargames. The Traveller5 forum needs to be folded into this category, though at this point, T5 is a white elephant. Traveller wargames can be combined with the appropriate edition of the game, e.g. Invasion Earth discussion in Classic Traveller, Brilliant Lances discussion in TNE.
- 2300/2320AD: None of the subforums in this area are part of the OTU, and thus of no benefit for discussion of the OTU, which is the site's focus.
- Play By Post: Keep it.
- Far Trader: Move it to its own message board on another part of the server if desired, but it is of no benefit for discussion of the OTU, which is the site's focus.
- Random Static: combine in the new General Discussion subforum, as noted above.
- Wiki Discussion: You have the wiki up and running. Each page and each registered user has a talk page, so this forum isn't needed.
Off-Topic Discussion
|__>The Lone Star
|__>Random Static
|__>Duty Free Shop
Traveller Discussion
|__>Classic Traveller
|__>Traveller: The New Era
|__>Traveller, 4th Edition
Play By Post
|__>In Character
|__>Out of Character
Administration (no child forums, viewable only by moderators)
I dare anyone to tell me that what you see above is more difficult to navigate than the mess on the index page now. This is a site that keeps to the site's actual focus without being difficult to use and consequently without being a headache to moderate.
There are other issues regarding this site that need fixing as well, though a complete streamlining of the forums is the highest priority when it comes to making this site relevant once again. Nevertheless, in no particular order.
- Annoying Restrictions: No custom avatars, no more than 15 PMs in the PM space, and having to register before even seeing a post. If you want to make the site accessible so people can determine whether they want to participate, they need to be able to see what people are writing. They can't do that if they have to register to do so. Most people will simply go and find another site to visit that actually allows them to read posts for a while before participating. The other two things are absolutely laughable because virtually any modern message board package can handle these things. Any server can handle them as well, moderator complaints to the contrary notwithstanding. If the server truly cannot handle these kinds of things, then it's time to upgrade the server.
- Getting Nothing For Something: The Moot needs to go. The promise of early access to material was false advertising and thus theft, and the benefits of Moot membership other than that false advertising just mentioned are not worth the expenditure.
Are you willing to take the risk or will you stand by and do nothing?
Given past history, my bet is on you doing nothing. Prove me wrong.