If not for Virus I'd guess the Empire might have been reunited under Regent Aledon for a young Avery 

Actually, most people would have probably liked a virus.My 2c on virus. I could never understand why it had to be the only future. One or more coequal futures would have been all that was required. I guess I never got into MT from CT - seemed too cumbersome. Likewise the rebellion pased me by otherwise I might have disliked it too. I did like much of the harder science in TNE though.
But I reckon if there was a straw poll, Most people still playing traveller (whether mongoose or CT or whatever) would not be playing in a Virus universe. Further, That most play on the frontiers of a mostly stable imperium. And if this is so ( and it is a big if)- What was the point?
Actually, most people would have probably liked a virus.
A virus world or cluster of worlds (like the Chamax Plague) that presented a terrifying threat and a strange new "empire" along one small chunk of the frontier, might have captured the imagination.
Most people who really HATED the virus hated both the Rebellion and the Virus for grinding the Third Imperium to dust. Any means that achieved the same result would have been bad for all of the people who loved the Imperium.
Given the popularity of Classic Traveller, the fan base of the Lorenverse and the choice by Mongoose to reboot with the Third Imperium ... the Imperium seems to have more than a few fans.
What if TNE had instead found a "solution" that let us keep our free traders and mercenary teams? A slow slog back to civilization, a reversal of Hard Times, or even a change in management that caused lots of heads to roll but kept the streets safe (so to speak)?
Oh, you mean the Regency? That's exactly what that was. Beyond an arguably abstract geopolitical shift of the overall government structure, The Regency was the OTU snapshot. Stay away from the borders and blockades, and you'd hardly know anything had changed.
What if TNE had instead found a "solution" that let us keep our free traders and mercenary teams? A slow slog back to civilization, a reversal of Hard Times, or even a change in management that caused lots of heads to roll but kept the streets safe (so to speak)?
What if TNE had instead found a "solution" that let us keep our free traders and mercenary teams? A slow slog back to civilization, a reversal of Hard Times, or even a change in management that caused lots of heads to roll but kept the streets safe (so to speak)? It would have softened the change to House Rules. Would things have ended up better for Traveller?
The secondary setting, the Regency, was a continuation of the SM of old, with changes made because of the MT rebellion.
I agree it was the weaker setting.
What constitutes extensive home rule in the 3I? I mean, the Imperium rules the space between worlds, not the worlds themselves. So does extensive home rule mean that the worlds in question also control a good part of in-system space, uninhabited but useful moons and planets, etc? Maintain fleets with jump capability?