That's the one that has an extra star system that doesn't appear in any other listing, right?
Yes it is.
That's the one that has an extra star system that doesn't appear in any other listing, right?
That's the one that has an extra star system that doesn't appear in any other listing, right?
Everything else is Government Propaganda!
The REAL data on the Spinward Marches exists only in the secret, hand written notes of those Referees that took the effort to actually create them. Everything else is Government Propaganda! Pushed off on unsuspecting Traveller's by the corrupt TAS.
How is it possible to have a "canon" when there is considerable disagreement over the primary setting of Traveller?
A number of those were retconned in later CT materials; many of the entries are also contradictory to various CT, MT, or TNE bits about them.I don't suppose it is actually "canon," since in GURPS Traveller they continue as if Strephon is never assassinated, and the rebellion never happened. But Steve Jackson's supplement Behind the Claw, which outlines the Spinward Marches, is a fantastic resource. I feel they went above and beyond, and instead of just an endless list of UWP data, they gave a brief outline of each and every system in the Spinward Marches.
Granted, I have never gone and compared each and every UWP, but as far as I can tell, (based on the dozen or so I've put under the microscope,) the UWPs in Behind the Claw pretty much match those given in Supplement 3: The Spinward Marches.
The descriptions of the worlds in Behind the Claw are fantastic, and have served as a source of inspiration for many of my games.
A number of those were retconned in later CT materials; many of the entries are also contradictory to various CT, MT, or TNE bits about them.
Supplement 3 was deprecated by 1987... over a dozen UWPs changed, including Regina/Regina/Spinward Marches.
In short, it wasn't valid at the time it was written because the author used the wrong source material. GIGO.
The data on Travellermap is more canonical than the BTC data.
The author used the source material the author was told to use.