SOC-14 1K
Unless, of course, someone drops a glass-eating (or whatever-eating) nanomachine .......... :devil:
That could just as easily be a hull eating nanomachine .......... :devil:
Unless, of course, someone drops a glass-eating (or whatever-eating) nanomachine .......... :devil:
Sure it does. It can break. It can be chemically altered through temperature. It can be obscured - paint, dirt, soot. It can be marred with abrasion.
If it can be considered a weak point and targeted, it will be.
The cool thing about sensors/cams vs. windows, is that they are smaller, cheaper (with TL) and can be easily distributed as backups across the entire hull.
Same for sensors. In the army we learned to attack tank sensors devices and view ports. Smearing with mud or grease if possible is primitive, but works.
I agree, but my point is that they are both viable and each has some advantages over the other. For a warship, you may want to enclose the bridge in masses amount of armour, making windows an impossibility.
Also, as tech makes sensors/cams cheaper and ubiquitous, the desire to look out of a window will become less and less a "natural urge" for some applications. With regards to extremely long range combat where a person, even with optical help, won't be able to resolve a target, the window will be less and less of an asset, and sensors more of one, so improvements to the sense-around suite will eventually make it the default, rather than a luxury.
Same for sensors. In the army we learned to attack tank sensors devices and view ports. Smearing with mud or grease if possible is primitive, but works.
So, you are going smear mud or grease on a star ship's MANY sensors?
So, you are going smear mud or grease on a star ship's MANY sensors?
It's worth noting, Vladika, most of the time, that which takes out a ship's sensors is likely to take out the controls as well.
Ship sensors have to be hardened versus many forms of radiation, including low level EMP, simply to remain functional in transiting the Van Allen belts of worlds with significant magnetosphere.
Yes, but the terror level isn't the same.That could just as easily be a hull eating nanomachine .......... :devil:
Next thing I know, you'll be wanting to install surge suppressors on bridge equipment or something!(Fiber Optics fine, but not every part is so protected).
One other thought - jump space. If you use the concept that looking into jump space inspires some sort of dementia, then you have an extra incentive, perhaps, to remove viewports from your vessel.
Yes, but the terror level isn't the same.Override the bridge hatch and lock it, at the same time the cracks/tunnels first begin to appear in the window...... :smirk:
Next thing I know, you'll be wanting to install surge suppressors on bridge equipment or something!
Viewports might serve a purpose in some cultures and for certain types of vessels, and in various locations on a ship. Some cultures (some alien ones I might postulate, and some totally space-based cultures) might avoid them religiously - might even freak out when they realize they are looking out one in your ship. As is often said: what effect do you want in your story? It's your game.
One other thought - jump space. If you use the concept that looking into jump space inspires some sort of dementia, then you have an extra incentive, perhaps, to remove viewports from your vessel.
But, if I needed to lift ahead of another ship, and cared to have it delayed, why not?
Because they would be housed in small pop up like turrets. (see GURPS) You might get one that was active while parked. Otherwise, call the SOL hotline...
So, you are going smear mud or grease on a star ship's MANY sensors?
Jump Space has always been my justification for huge computers... IMTU, jump space makes semiconductors less reliable, but vacuum tubes are relatively unaffected, so ship's computing is almost exclusively micro-vacuum tube systems. ...
I would be worried about some wiz kid physics major in the group trying to show me how intrusion of jump space on that level would also influence neuron function. I don't have the physics to try to argue that kind of thing with the bright-minded folk that Traveller tends to attract, so I tend to steer clear of justifications that might harbor potential unexpected implications.
Very Kelly's Heroes, I think. Or Firefly.In that case I'll use ethyl cyanoacrylate (super glue) or any epoxy or resin. By TL15 they might even improve Duct Tape.Something will be available.
The problem isn't someone "having" the physics, but someone thinking they know enough to "have" the physics. And, Carlobrand is right - there are loads of those people in Traveller.Carlobrand, the beautiful thing is NOBODY has the physics on that one! Still, someone will always have a contra opinion.
Jump Space has always been my justification for huge computers... IMTU, jump space makes semiconductors less reliable, but vacuum tubes are relatively unaffected, so ship's computing is almost exclusively micro-vacuum tube systems.
In which case computers for spaceships would be different from computers for starships.