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Your Favorite non-GDW Scifi RPG, Part 1

Your Favorite non-GDW Scifi RPG, Part 1

  • Total voters
OK, per Hans's suggestion, this is a new poll.

Mods, please delete the old one; voters, please vote again (sorry).

The poll comes in two parts, to expand your options. Part 1 lists Alternity through Space: 1889. Part 2 lists SpaceMaster through Universe.

Part 2 is here:


In further news, I'm switching to multiple votes. No one will like just one scifi RPG besides Traveller, and with multiple votes some interesting "consensual" games will likely emerge.

EDIT: The software didn't let me limit the number of multiple votes. Let's keep it to three (3) votes in Parts 1 & 2 combined.
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hey...my suggestion too.....:)

So tough tough call but my buddy ran Shadowrun with a thing for detail... of course paranoia was excellent... but the computer will punish me for not choosing it.
He he - Alternity this time.

Wonder how many people have the Dune game so can vote for it?

(I have ;))

I do have it, but wouldn't vote for it. The base task system is badly flawed. (As was LUG-Trek, which uses the same system.)
Sorry to bring it up since this is a remade poll, but Battletech and Mechwarrior are the same thing.
Or rather, Mechwarrior is the RPG of the Battletech wargame. So that might slew things slightly.

On the upside, I'd play a Battletech rpg, just not using Mechwarrior so I guess this poll lets me add the distinction.

So that gives me Battletech, SpaceMaster and Star Wars SAGA.

Mongoose Starship Troopers would have gotten a vote as would 3:16.
I ran a couple of short Aliens campaigns that were a blast, but the system was so heavily modded from the L.E.G. version it would probably count as a home-brew.
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As mentioned before, mainly GURPS Space, but also Expendables (not on
the list) and Thousand Suns - and Blue Planet, occasionally.
I've only tried two of the 20 games mentioned (although I have browsed a couple more), so that makes it easy to choose: Paranoia and Space:1889.

Missed some good ones on your list

My favorite non gdw Sfrpg has to be chaosium's Ringworld, a game a lot more readily available than The Dune RPG. While it admittedly doesn't have a lot of focus on starships, it is in effect the known space rpg. A Great game with a Great background. You also don't list Cyberpunk in any of its incarnations( a hugely successful game, by the way )or Space opera (traveller for accountants), not to mention spacemaster (Traveller for Accountants on psychoactive medications).
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Space opera and SpaceMaster are on the second half of the poll.

But yeah, you're right about CyberPunk now that you mention it, that would have been a contender.
I've only tried two of the 20 games mentioned (although I have browsed a couple more), so that makes it easy to choose: Paranoia and Space:1889.

My vote precisely.

I mean, I have Traveller for hardish SF, so for the rest I want something radically dissimilar. Well, and Blue Planet.

SpaceMaster is on the list. I have never heard of Expendables, so, like Forgotten Futures, Lightspeed, and others I left it out because too few people will even know these games. I forgot about Cyberpunk and Ringworld, ditto FTL 2447 (sp?), though.

3:16 is a momentary fad IMNSHO, but I might have put in Burning Empires. Or Metamorphosis Alpha. It's a tough call...
I'd say thats a fair comment about 3:16, but its great fun, for one campaign.

Met Alpha would have gotten nostalgia votes rather than actual ones, I think, so good call.


MA 4E is currently in print, and active games are being run by people around the nation... and at some cons.

Note to Mods... link to MA main-page provided to educate the other posters that MA is a valid, currently-played game and is a valid subject for this poll.

It is NOT intended to "lure members away from CotI"!


Nowhere do I see the all time greatest science fiction role playing game:

Hunter Planet.

Oh and yeah, Cyberpunk in just about any non-Shadowrun form.
OK, I had to look up Hunter Planet on the rpg.net game index.

The blurb does sound rather promising.

This is a somewhat comedic game involving alien tourists visiting the earth, mistakenly considered primitive enough to be a hunting reserve, and the reactions of the humans who are not happy with this. The average hunting party lasts about as long as a group of Red level clones in Paranoia.

That sounds like the right one.

It rocks. Check it out if you can. Hours of entertaining fun, just try and avoid taking a pill, then again if you don't take a pill then the GM isn't doing their job right, says so in the Rules.

My favorite part of Hunter Planet is the combat system. Which is "What are you doing?" with a sick twist. The combat example had me rolling.