SOC-14 10K
Hey, the Achilleus!
Hey, Dave!

Thanks for adding the teaser beauty shot to the thread.
Of course we're (some of us anyway) still interested in the comic. We'll catch up on the Akhilleus

Hey, the Achilleus!
Hey, Dave!
Thanks for adding the teaser beauty shot to the thread.
Of course we're (some of us anyway) still interested in the comic. We'll catch up on the Akhilleus![]()
Sounds like a labor of love... thanks for sharing!As for what they were done in, originally pencil and graph paper
...translated into electronic medium on an Apple IIc about a zillion years ago in ClarisWorks and then through AppleWorks/ClarisWorks on various Macs until a few years ago when they got converted over to Paint on the PCs. As a WIP it's been a long time tweaking bits and converting through various editions to come back to the CT version.
Agreed. I like ships that tend to bash the occasional knee or sometimes snag a bit of clothing.But I don't think a Free Trader should be roomy. Nor any working ship.
Sounds like a labor of love...
Sweet!!! Another excellent job FT!
Very sweet indeedee.
I really like the layout, it really does a better job in using the space.
was hoping to click on them to get a better eyeball on them though. Oh well maybe next time.
I saw your original post. No pics, no links. Scratched head, walked away. Boy did I miss out on this thread.
Well done especially on side views & outside drawings!!!!
Unmarked room port side mid-deck by 5, large cargo hatch. Air raft?
Opposite location starboard. Air lock & Ships Locker?
Mid deck, same row as 6 is in there are two squares on extreme starboard & port of low berths accessable via access panels. What is function? Closets, fuel?
Imperial standard is 2.5m per deck with .5m for conduits etc, mid deck looks short, low deck looks fine but lacks conduits. Imperial standard established in Kinunir. So ship might be taller??
The window here is more useless than most but I agree psychological effect. I've never seen it mentioned but all windows need shutters to block view of J-Space and electronics like Trek view screen must give real as life view outside at any angle for landing even in 3-D holos on some ships I'd imagine.
Question, where and in what supplement is the standard deck height posted?
Thanks far-trader, if I remember a thread from long ago, that was the concenus then too. It was from a diagram that we all assumed was 'accurate'.![]()
Of course if anyone can point me toward an 'official' thickness of deck floors, I wont cry much![]()
The most notable feature about the room is the high ceiling, measuring nearly 5 meters, as opposed to the normal ceiling height of 2.5 meters.
Kinunir, p19
But that may only refer to the Kinunir's normal deck height. It's only an assumption that this is common to all vessels.
Of course, it provides additional circumstantial evidence...
There's assumptions, and then there's assumptions. Knowing the Imperium has existed 1100 years in near Vilani tech stasis in which primarily drugs, metallurgy, illicit psionics and J-Drive are among the few things the Imperium seems to research. Why is it an unsafe assumption these cloddies didn't regulate deck height as standard in the Imperium?
Thanks Imperial Planetologist
I came across some notes for the Beowulf, a kind of short guided tour, that might help in describing the deckplans. I'm going to append them to the first post.
Your guided tour looks good.