mike wightman
SOC-14 10K
I don't understand your reasons.I have considered them all. They fail, for various reasons.
Skylon will be cheaper than a rocket.
I don't understand your reasons.I have considered them all. They fail, for various reasons.
I don't understand your reasons.
Skylon will be cheaper than a rocket.
So if rockets can be made as cheaply as you suggest, these will be even cheaperthe cost per kilogram of payload carried to low Earth orbit in this way is hoped to be reduced from the current £1,108/kg (as of December 2015), including research and development, to around £650/kg, with costs expected to fall much more over time after initial expenditures have amortised
No probs, I've posted the wiki article at least twice - but here is the summative cost analysis from the article:
So if rockets can be made as cheaply as you suggest, these will be even cheaper![]()
As noted Traveller fusion plants output a lot of juice, which coincidentally if the M-drive is in use, uses up most of the power.
CT High Guard has two power settings, all weapons and defenses powered and what's left for agility (evasion and/or vee), and all power to the Mdrive for escape.
So power is NOT a problem.[...]
Also, if so many technologies are being bypassed because they are considered magical, how can jump drives (or any FTL drive) still be used?
Instead, there is side-effect-free medication that prevents atrophy and all that.
Indeed. That's why I wrote the battle rider concept, and starships basically staying at the jump point and do force projection via fighters and long-range weaponry from there would probably be a good guess.
As an extension of that, there'd probably be "jump ports", space stations at common jump points that allow for refuelling and changing cargo... that's actually something that might even be a worthy idea in the OTU.
Is that so? The technofeudal society seems like a near-perfect fit to me. Travel times and cost are, after all, largely unaffected.
I have reservations about catapults, beanstalks and the like - they have a vast array of problems that are commonly not addressed in the concepts. Among them: Extremely high capital investment required, extremely vulnerable to terrorist attack, warfare, and regular accidents, day-to-day operations are more complicated than many people imagine (as I wrote earlier, if you send something up the beanstalk, you have to send something of equal mass down at the same time, and if that other mass isn't available, you must wait, for just one example), and so on. Also, such installations would not have survived the Long Night.
Cheap fuel and cheap rockets, however, are easy to achieve, require little individual investment, are naturally redundant (because many people will have them), and allow for players to earn a buck with their own ship anywhere where they might go. Sure, a player ship will seem large compared to Traveller OTU deck plans, but in actuality, the ship they can live in will be the same size - just with a lot more (cheap) fuel attached.
2300 AD has been suggested already, and I have put it on my list for sure. I always found the whole concept interesting, but a deviating timeline and lack of ability made me never grab it. Thankfully, DTRPG has changed that.![]()
Actually, that would be own concern: Given that I have removed the jump fuel requirement to not make things worse and replaced it with a 1 week cooldown, it should theoretically possible for the Zhodani to have a fleet parked in a comet cloud around Sylea just in case they need it...
Depends. If you are willing to forego a chance for retreat, you might even require no fuel at all, and simply fall down in drop capsules with parachutes (unless it's a vaccum world, but those are usually smaller anyway).
Well, on the plus side, planetside combat would be more familiar to players.![]()
Side-effec-free drugs? I'd rather believe in gravitics or FTL :devil:
Sorry, I had to take it out, but this is a minor issue at worst, as either drugs with bearable side-effects or centrifugal simulated grav (again, as in 2300 AD setting) may well mitigate or solve this problem.
And what endurance will those fighters have? what acceleration? will they have beam weapons (needing a larger PP, an so more fuel, even in not much) or missiles (needing payload for them, and if, as I understand, they are in the low-G range, needing to make long trips to reload)?
If you considere that ships exit jump blindly and keeping their vectors, and the error margin is about 3000 km, setting up those "jump ports" is, IMHO, asking for a collision...
And nuclear power plants and dams ar also extremely vulnerable to those same threats, yet we keep using them...
As for the beanstals, I guess you don't need this similar mass if you have power enough, and poser is cheap (otherwise fuel could not be, as it is obtained from water by electrolisis, I understand)
But they need more ship volume fo rthe same payload, and I guess they also need quite a lot of infrastructure to be launched. Probably cheaper to set up, but quite more expensive to operate...
What endurance will those ships have? for how long can they stay powered with thier fuel? how much endurance will they have accelerating?
Remember, fuel must include not only Hydrogen, but oxygen too, so using more volume (and weighting quite more) than traveller's fuel.
And I don't expect the ships staying still for a week when they exit jump. THey are likely to send fighters in recon role, to manyever a little, etc., and ,without the capability to recover their fuel, they will become short of it in a few jumps, if they are to have any payload for weponry or fighters.
And if caught short of fuel, they will become stting ducks for the enemy to chase, not being even able to move.
So, I keep my assertion, as you describe it, offensive opperation will be quite limited.
And who's going to forego the retreat chance?
How will they be suplied? how will they move once on ground, without gravitics nor interface ships to bring them vehicles?
There are many games for that. I guess when players want to play a science fiction battle game they are not looking for something familiar :CoW:
2300 AD has been suggested already, and I have put it on my list for sure. I always found the whole concept interesting, but a deviating timeline and lack of ability made me never grab it. Thankfully, DTRPG has changed that.![]()
[FONT=arial,helvetica]A 1000 ton vessel by HG that is at Power Plant 2, anemic by many standards, would work out to 20 EP, which is 5 GW.
0.5544 m/s². Not spectacular, but not useless either.
The other part is I don't quite how 4x impulse thrust output translates to having to have an ion drive. Metallic Hydrogen would be used as a chemical impulse, not as ion mass, it's just an exotic with greater cost, but possibly greater rewards for military or special purpose ships.
OTOH, the stutterwarp drive might be an issue for you. Inside a slight gravity well it becomes a STL drive not needing reaction mass but in a strong to moderate gravity well -- hmm, if you get to close to a world, it stops working.
Because you can't have an interstellar empire without interstellar travel. But you can have one without gravitic technomagic.
Pseudovelocity drives of that kind could actually be a way if there is physics to be discovered that we don't know yet. We need some kind of FTL anyway, and if you have it, you will use it whenever useful. Note how the CR3I would probably use a lot more in-system jumps than in the OTU. That'd be one compromise I'd be willing to make, though if we would want to go all the way, we'd simply assume it works everywhere, even on the ground, and explain all kinds of craft with that, from spaceships to hovering cabriolet gliders.
Traveller TL's 10+ all are built upon the assumption that gravitics
- makes fusion more efficient, [...]
Your "Chemical Rocket Imperium" will look NOTHING like the 3I unless you invoke other magic.
[...]Note that LHyd was much more expensive... if you're reducing fuel costs below that, you've broken the economic models (which are not great to begin with, but are the
foundation upon which many parts are hung)...
If all you want is a "What a cool idea" response set, you're on entirely the wrong forum.
I'm enjoying this thought experiment - it makes for an interesting setting.What I want is valid arguments. If I believe they are not valid, I will point that out. If that is unwelcome here, then just say so, and I'll leave for good.
Stutterwarp is strictly orbit to orbit. For surface to orbit, you need a craft with reaction drives. A couple of worlds have beanstalks.
Oh, and no gravatics technology. Best any race has is spin gravity.