The fudge factor is the definition of 'encounter'. The above calculations are only valid if any sighting counts as an encounter. If an encounter is an event that involves interaction of some kind, very little can be deduced from the frequencies (Except, of course, minimum numbers; you can't have an encounter with a ship that isn't there). For all we know a high-population system is swarming with megafreighters and big liners and navy ships and scout ships and system defense vessels and customs cutters that just don't encounter the PC's ship.
Maybe. The encounter table itself occurs in the same book that provides design details for construction of ships of the small-ship universe, with
all of the 7 standard designs having a chance of being encountered. To the best of my knowledge, megafreighters and big liners weren't a part of the game at that point.
One can retroactively rationalize that they aren't counted as an "encounter" because they take no notice of their smaller cousins and aren't relevant to the smaller ship's activities, but that gets problematic when your encounter is that odd pirate at the class-C starport: why isn't the 20,000 ton freighter taking note of the fact that a 200 ton trader and a 400 ton pirate cruiser are dueling a hundred thousand kilometers off at the 1-o'clock position? If the little pirate's a match for the megafreighter, then the pirate has juicier prey at hand. If the megafreighter's armed enough to be too big a mouthful, then by the same token the mega can alter course and order the pirate to play nice or get carved up. I guess one could conceive of a universe where the small boys duke it out while the giants drift by and ignore them, but it seems a bit of a stretch to me.
Then too, the definition of "encounter" is fairly broad: "The referee should examine the specific type of ship involved and determine the precise nature of the encounter. Free traders may want to swap rumors and gossip; scouts may want information; patrol cruisers may want to inspect for smugglers." Why wouldn't a mega trade radio chatter with a passing munchkin?
Alternately, and more likely, one can assume the encounter table really isn't intended for a big-ship universe, in which case MegaTrav's encounter table is probably your next best bet. MegaTrav suggests one encounter per quarter day on a 7+, with three in 36 space encounters at a Class-A port being "no encounter", so roughly the same probability of an encounter as in the classic small ship universe. From there, the encounter is much more tightly scripted - but if the base probability doesn't change, then the actual numbers don't change, just the specifics about what ships are being encountered, how big they are and what their business is.
Interestingly, MegaTrav encounter table also paints a picture of a universe with only a relatively small number of ships (~70-90) going through a port on any given day - although some of the ships are quite big. However, in that instance a gamemaster has the easy option of painting a different picture by selecting a different interval and slapping modifiers on: "Well, let's see, this is Mora starport, so you're going to run encounter rolls every hour with a +4 chance of encounter."