I think that was mentioned earlier in the thread, but my misgiving is the need to put enough distance between the Jump Tanker and the fuelled vessel before the jump occurs - so the tanker's 100 diameter limit doesn't threaten a misjump.
One thing to keep at the back of your mind is this:
Certain rules were not existance at the start of Classic Traveller, and in some instances - a given rule was introduced in one game system, but discontinued in later game systems (compare Traveller New Era versus MT before it, or any of the systems subsequent to it).
One thing I do get a gut feel for is that as of 1105, drop tanks were expected to become a potential part of day to day operations for ships - so much so that Jump-6 couriers were expected to exist, as well as escort ships with drop tanks, etc. But more importantly, it was part of the storyline in the early days of Classic Traveller, that the issues involving misjump mishaps were not predicated on ships being within 100 diameters of the drop tanks when they jumped, but instead, were the results of a failure to separate properly when the ship attempted to jump with the tanks still attached. WHich makes me wonder a bit. If one can jump with the drop tanks attached without problem, and one can jump without the drop tanks - supposedly without too much of a risk - might the problem occur when the ship intends to jump to a new destination, and has a pre-calculated "jump field" size (ship without drop tank) that has serious consequences when the ship jumps with more "hull" than intended?
By the by? The "tragedy" that occurred involving a failure to separate properly, occurred with an 800 dton liner.
Overall? It would seem to me, that in light of all of this, perhaps the reason the drop tanks were not part and parcel of further Traveller products is because it was decided quietly by the powers that be at GDW, that drop tanks aren't perhaps all that viable. Perhaps no one could come up with viable rules to use in conjunction with the drop tanks, or perhaps they were busy with their normal activities and didn't spend a lot of time dwelling over the finer points that we are engaging in some 30+ years later
So, first mention of Drop tanks in the Fifth Frontier War rules indicate that in the spinward marches, they were being used/developed in 1105 (news release was dated 097 - 1105. By 201-1105, there were explosions at the manufacturing plant/assembly line, and by 186-1106, news (1 month late) was getting out about the tragedy and of the 217 lives lost in the accident.
Just thinking aloud. Gut feeling? If the ships were being built prior to the introduction of drop tanks were "fine" without the drop tanks, they wouldn't take the time nor effort to change their configuration. Why? As pointed out earlier, you can't change all too much of the ship's drives, powerplant, etc - and removing fuel tanks from a ship design that was originally not designed for drop tanks, means that the ship has to be laid up in the ship yard (not generating revenue), gutted and then rebuilt to specs (costing money to do so) and then having to go through a testing period to insure that the ship was spaceworthy and would function as designed. Once released into the hands of the owner, the ship now has to deal with the following issues:
If drop tanks are popular - the ship will be in competition with other ships trying to purchase functional drop tanks. If production is not keeping apace with demand, what then?
If drop tanks are unpopular - the ship will have to scrounge for drop tank production from shipyards that are increasingly deciding that manufacturing tanks on speculation is not a good idea. That means that the ship's captain would have to purchase those tanks in lot sizes larger than for immediate use, and those drop tanks not being used, have to be shipped elsewhere in preparation for use, which in turn incurs a storage fee when not in use.
Last but not least:
You've got a whole passal of ships that were designed to last a few decades, and the ship you have now isn't intended for use with drop tanks. Do you modify the ship so that it takes advantage of the removal of current fuel tanks being removed and subsequently handled by drop tanks?
Is there any real difference between adding more internal fuel tankage so that all ship designs include enough fuel for N+1 parsecs travel where N = jump number of the drive itself - and ships equipt with drop tanks?
Here is my challenge:
Design a 3,000 dton warship without drop tanks using TL 14 technology constraints. Then build a new 3,000 dton warship designed to use drop tanks, capable of performing the same mission as the original 3,000 dton destroyer (ie try to get the same weapon capabilities, armoring, etc). Factor in the new architech's fee, then factor in the cost of the first prototype hull. Then, last but not least? Calculate the cost of 100 jumps (a 4 to 8 year use of the ship depending on whether it jumps 1 to 2 times a month). Might not some bean counter ask "Don't we have better use of money than to convert from the older hulls to the newer hulls?" Then, as if that weren't enough - what happens when those ships are mothballed or sold to colonial fleets? You're still stuck with the older methodology until those ships are retired from front line duty of not only the Imperial Navy, but also the Colonial navy.