Ah, thanks for the 1,000 battle-class ships per (typical) sector, Hans.
As mentioned before, that's roughly 63 big non-auxiliary ships per subsector fleet, on the average. Some have more, some have less, and I wouldn't be surprised if the median number is not 63.
re the 154th: I really don't know if the Lurenti is a carrier or an auxiliary. It's not combat-effective, so let's say it doesn't count. I'd be tempted to discount the Sloans, but I am not sure*. Thus say the 154th is either 7 or 14 combat ships.**
I am reluctant to have "too many" of these ships running about, but I think some of that is because I have little grasp of scale, and those old flamewars on the TML about piracy in the Marches haunt me.
So, maybe I would prefer to include ships like the Sloan, after all. But, I could be wrong. Heck, it might just be ships with spines that count -- that's how FFW counters were rated. And yet, I doubt that spines alone should be able to win the day, Eurisko be damned.
* You have to draw the line somewhere. In CT, the maximum ship size for "Book 2" ships was 5,000 tons. After High Guard, the Sloan is listed in Supplement 9. 5,000 tons could be near the tipping point between small starships and fleet-combat starships. I suspect the solution depends on ship purposes in Big Fleet Combat: does the Sloan play a useful enough part? Is it more significant than a fighter wing? And so on.
** 14 combat effective ships per squadron yields about 70 squadrons in 16 subsectors, which is 4.5 squadrons per subsector.