System-queens, Wil. I'm thinking they usually stay within comm call of the admiral. Or of HQ if the admiral goes along on the maneuvers. I've nothing whatsoever against the notion that they'd go on maneuvers frequently.
Just not year-long maneuvers in the neighboring system.
Then they're absolutely WORTHLESS for showing the flag.
During the age of Sail, Capital ships HAD to be where the fleet was to operate - port admirals were commonly portrayed as inept, well meaning but inept at best, power-mad sycophant abusers at worst.
During the age of steam, we find the port-queen battleships - and the era ends with them being sunk as we hit the Dreadnought era (circa 1906-1920). That had a lot to do with 2-week fuel bunkers, tho.
The navies who had kept their firepower in the field presented a more credible threat than those who kept them in blue-water near shore, and those who kept them in blue water more than those who kept them in port.
During the "modern" era - 1965 on - we find that almost no major navies presented a credible threat by staying close to home.
It's basic Mahan theory - the closer to home you keep your ships, the more irrelevant to geopolitics they are, and the more they are for home-political dog and pony show grandstanding.
Keeping them operating in-system with the base is WORSE than keeping them "ported-and-ready" - because now you can't be certain that the crews are ready, and further, they're hours outside of comm. In sight, but out of immediate dispatch. For reaction purposes, they're no closer to the Enemy, AND they're going to have lag departing, and may need to spend a couple days coming back in to replenish before your can deploy them.
I can think of more unviable defensive deployments, but not any that any sane officer would use. Unfortunately, system queens is EXACTLY what a politician might suggest during budget cuts.... and it's not quite as bad as ship cuts entirely, so some admirals might see it as a viable compromise...
Oh, and a nifty quote from S9: "
In peace, various Tigresses are often scattered throughout a region on peacekeeping missions, or to show the flag. Several individual Tigresses have been deployed among the worlds of the Five Sisters subsector to enforce the amber zone blockade of Candory and Andor." Not "System Queens" by that text...