I can't speak for what ... Wil = Aramis? ... is arguing. From the reading, it sounds like the two of you are arguing extremes when the facts are likely somewhere in the middle.
Yes, I seem to have maneuvered myself into defending a position that is more extreme than I actually care for.
Remember that I was originally trying to refute a claim to the effect that the IN would need duplicate sets of battleships and cruisers because a one-year deployment to an Imperial fleet was a much too heavy burden to put on the members of the crews, having to spend a full year apart from their friends and relations. My opinion was, and is, that cruisers and battleships do not spend most of their time away from the base where they are stationed. But I do not think, as I appear to have given the impression that I do, that cruisers and battleships spend the entire year orbiting the capital.
The "reality", if you'll pardon that use in relation to a game, is somewhere between the two.
I use the same term myself to refer to the fictional reality that underlies the Traveller game in the same way that our real reality underlies a historical board- or war- or roleplaying game. The qoutation marks I use because the reality is fictional, but I believe that
in theory that "reality" is every bit as complex as our reality and that consequently the game rules are every bit as simplified as rules for games based on our reality are.
(In practice, of course, 300 men writing for 30 years couldn't begin to make a dent in describing the OTU "reality" adequately.)
The fleet has to emerge for certain types of training exercises, perhaps for a couple months at a time in order to check its ability to coordinate with support ships and reveal any problems while there's time to solve them without getting shot at. Elements of the fleet - individual battlewagons and cruisers, with a couple of escorts and support ships - will also be off on specific show-the-flag missions; one major ship is more than enough for that kind of work, and cruisers are better for that role most of the time. A Fleet's admiral and his staff will certainly go out with his fleet on the fleet exercises; they're the ones giving the orders and trying to find out how effectively the fleet responds to them. Other stuff - probably not; there's plenty to do just keeping his fleet staffed and supplied.
Yes, that's how I see it too. Families of crewmembers who elect to move to the bases of the ships their spouses and siblings nad children are posted to would be able to see them at intervals of no more than a couple or three months.
While I do think that squadrons will need to exercise together, I think that such exercises will mostly take place in the system they're stationed in, perhaps a light-minute or two away from the traffic. In addition to that I can see divisions of each squadron to training trips to other systems in rotation, so that at least 3/4 of the squadron is at their station at any time.
A fleet at Rhylanor can take up to two months to reach Sword World space depending on refueling arrangements, thereby signaling quite clearly that the Imperium doesn't have any immediate plans for that fleet vis-a-vis the Sword Worlds. That same fleet moving up to Lanth is a clear signal of more immediate intentions, and therefore of more immediate concern.
But the fleet already stationed a Lanth[*] or Lunion could move against the Sword Worlds while elements of the 212th moved up to replace them (All coordinated by the Sector Admiralty, of course).
[*] Historical note: At the start of the 5FW there was no fleet stationed in the Lanth subsector; it was covered by the neighboring fleets. After the war one was stationed there.