As I am Reffing this (or will be) let's keep it as simple as possible:
Important Note about PCs:
Anyone who wishes to play and has acces to CT books/CD-ROM can generate their own character (using the guidelines below) and bring it with them to use on the day.
I will also generate a number of characters before the Con and bring them with me, so that players who don't have access to CT in any form can just sign up and play.
a) Only one PC per player.
b) Your character can be any race/species from CT *except*:
i. K'Kree families (a whole family + entourage of K'Kree is a PITA to keep track of in a game);
ii. PC + robot attendant/body guard combos;
iii. A pure robot PC.
c) Characters must be *freshly generated* - i.e. generated specifically for the game at the con. - no very experienced/well kitted out/disgustingly wealthy characters;
d) Must be generated via LBBs 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 or the Alien Modules (see the exceptions [K'Kree and robots] above);
e) Can't be generated using hybrid CT canon/Homebrew rules - stick to what's in the books (this makes the acquisition of skills for characters fairer amongst all players);
f) If your newly generated character gets a starship as a mustering out benefit, make a note of it - it may come in useful in the game, depending on which CT adventure we use.
I have all of the CT Adventures/Double Adventures plus the ones in the back of the Alien Modules. Any suggestions as to which one to use? I have no preference, personally.
Task System:
Pure CT - throw high, base target number is 8+. Task difficulty (target number) is otherwise determined by the Ref unless already stated in the books. DMs of skill level or attribute for weapons (STR or DEX, depending on the weapon in the tables in the book), no spectacular success or failure/fumble (cos they aint in the CT rules

If you've got 'em, bring 'em, and we'll use 'em.
Bring yer own
Rules Books:
Again, if you have actual rules books or print offs from the CT CD-ROM (or even a laptop and the CT-CDROM), bring 'em if you want. I'll bring mine with me.
Anything I've forgotten?