I'll edit this post directly with changes.
I'm gathering info on Traveller shipyards that appear in print. I've given the ones I found arbitrary codes, but haven't located most of the yards. If anyone has this information at their fingertips, I'd appreciate the help.
All worlds with Class A starports have at least one shipyard. Many have multiple yards, some large, some small, some specialty, some reserved or navy/corporate-owned.
Capacity. The numbers stated in Adventure 1 Kinunir page 40 is, of course, too low for anything beyond Book 2.
Numbered Versus Named. The numbers are Imperium-wide. There is only one Yard 17, one Yard 11, and so on. Some might also have a name, but this is not a requirement and is certainly not true for all of them. Yard numbers are therefore part of an Imperial registration system, and are therefore related to Imperial interests, but it is not clear at this time what those interests are.
Three numbered yards (11, 16, 22) are important enough to produce Imperial warships, while one numbered yard (17) might only be regionally important in the navy's eyes (note that it was scheduled to produce a significant percentage of the Kinunirrin, more than Clan Severn on Rhylanor, so it's not a trivial yard).
At the same time, a number of named yards are just as important as the numbered yards -- Gashidda, for example.
I'm gathering info on Traveller shipyards that appear in print. I've given the ones I found arbitrary codes, but haven't located most of the yards. If anyone has this information at their fingertips, I'd appreciate the help.
All worlds with Class A starports have at least one shipyard. Many have multiple yards, some large, some small, some specialty, some reserved or navy/corporate-owned.
Capacity. The numbers stated in Adventure 1 Kinunir page 40 is, of course, too low for anything beyond Book 2.
Numbered Versus Named. The numbers are Imperium-wide. There is only one Yard 17, one Yard 11, and so on. Some might also have a name, but this is not a requirement and is certainly not true for all of them. Yard numbers are therefore part of an Imperial registration system, and are therefore related to Imperial interests, but it is not clear at this time what those interests are.
Three numbered yards (11, 16, 22) are important enough to produce Imperial warships, while one numbered yard (17) might only be regionally important in the navy's eyes (note that it was scheduled to produce a significant percentage of the Kinunirrin, more than Clan Severn on Rhylanor, so it's not a trivial yard).
At the same time, a number of named yards are just as important as the numbered yards -- Gashidda, for example.
AH AHG, AG Strouden, TL13 (big ships)
BY Bilstein Yards Glisten, TL15 (big ships)
CS Clan Severn Rhylanor, TL15 (big ships)
GY General Shipyards Regina, TL12 (big ships)
GYe General Shipyards Efate, TL13 (big ships)
GYp General Shipyards Pixie, TL13 (maintenance mostly)
GS GSB, AG Tenalphi, TL14, et al
LS Ling Standard Mora, TL15 (big ships)
MA Mars Jewell, TL12 (big ships)
NA Naasirka Aramis (maintenance mostly)
PB Piorabanti Risek, TL10 (maintenance mostly)
SB Sabaald Adabicci, TL11 (small ships)
17 Yard 17 Trin, TL15 (big ships)
ZG Zagado some non-important world
Vilis, TL10 (big ships)
Pallique, TL14 (big ships)
Karin, TL12 (big ships)
Iderati, TL12 (big ships)
Mongo, TL10 (big ships)
Tenalphi, TL14 (big ships)
Lunion, TL13 (big ships)
All other class A starports in the Marches are most likely to
only do smaller starships, custom starships, and/or maintenance.
AE Arshani, Etran not the marches
CO Commonal not the marches
DV Delvani Solomani Rim
GA Gashidda Nos. 1-3 Gashidda
HL Highlans not the marches
TK Tukera not the marches
VL Vlandian Nos. 1-2 Vland
11 Yard 11 No. 1 not in the marches??
16 Yard 16 Nos. 1-4 not the marches (Markatch?)
22 Yard 22 No. 1 not the marches
Diversified Dynamics Design and Shipyard (DDD&S): From High Passage 1 pg5, High Passage 2 page9
Established 1058 Located at Galiano/Jayne Old Expanses sector with production divisions at Serpila/Quinoid and L'steich/Sarid, producing small craft and large naval vessels.
And DDD&S's rival: Stone Dockyards located at Adrian/Nicosia, Also from High Passage 2, pg9
Yard 6 and Yard 7 from HP1g5 Produced Tral Wolf light cruisers
Magellan Orbital Yards (Stellar Reaches Fanzine 4 Pg19-20)
located Cooke/Hebrin 2030 A868837-9 procuces smallcraft and small ships
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