Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
Hi, all; my first post here.
Supplement4, I'm curious. You say that this is a real rule, but I'm not seeing it.
It may have been in the original Traveller rules--the 1977 edition (not many copies of it were printed), back when there were modifiers to damage and sensors didn't use the metric system.
I've never seen a Traveller rule say "a ship with a 1G M-Drive cannot lift from a Size 8+ world", but there is a lot of evidence that suggests it was a rule and then was dropped.
For example...
Just a couple of years ago, Loren K. Wiseman produced several deckplans for sale on his web site. One of these is the 20 Ton Launch that is fitted with a 1G M-Drive. In the descritpion of the launch, it states that the drive is rated at 2Gs with respect to landing on worlds, using the Striker rule below.
I asked LKW about this personally over e-mail. He responded to me that, originally, it was intended for Traveller vessels with 1G M-Drive to be incapable of lifting from Size 8+ worlds.
As Don M. has said recently, that idea was dropped between 1st and 2nd edition Traveller.
If you look at Andy Slack's article about Traveller called Expanding Universe in White Dwarf magazine, it says, bluntly, "On planets of Size 8 or greater and of the same order of density as Earth, a Free Trader--or anything with a 1G drive--cannot take off". The article goes on to speculate how vessels rated at 1G could escape from Size 8+ worlds with external help (boosters).
Then, you look at the High Guard spaceship construction rules, and you find that all small craft will have at least 2Gs of thrust. The minimum drive size of 1ton means you get a minimum 2G drive.
And, if you check this with the space vessels in The Traveller Book, you'll see:
Slow Boat: 3G
Pinnance: 5G
Slow Pinnance: 2G
Shuttle: 3G
Fighter: 6G
But, the biggest evidence comes from the Striker design sequences (vehicle that can be designed for use with Traveller or with Striker).
Striker Book 2: Page 41. The movement rate of a spaceship is determined in the same way as that for a grav vehicle; the ship's maneuver drive rating is used as it's G value. A ship with a G rating equal to or less than the planetary gravity may not take part in combat actions except from orbit.
Striker Book 3: Page 11. One G is needed to keep the vehicle in the air (and if its thrust is less than one G, the vehicle cannot move); thrust in excess of one G is used for maneuver. Thus to find maneuver Gs, subtract one from the total G value.
So, after reading this, LKW's recent design of the 20 Ton Launch makes a lot of sense.
Because you're stating it like it's a written rule (i.e.; "No ship of 1G acceleration may lift off from a world size 8 or greater."), and I'm not seeing it.
The rule was abandoned after the 1977 edition of Traveller. Later editions of the game don't follow it (except for the things that slipped though, like the Striker and White Dwarf passages).