Is it, or is it not in Striker?
It is.
It's written there.
Striker is a CT supplement.
It's in CT.
Mayday is also a CT game, and it contradicts Striker.
And the statement you keep coming back to was that there was a rule in the basic set - there isn't, there never has been.
And, it shows itself in other areas--the ones I pointed out (and I think there are other references, I'm just not recalling them atm).
That's because they are other people's house rules- not CT rules.
Why do you think the B&W printing in Striker doesn't count?
Because the rule in Striker is contradicted by the rule in Mayday and simple physics.
Why do you think LKW made his plans the way he did?
Because he's based them on his interpretation of rules - they are his house rules if you like and not therefore part of canon.
Why do you think Andy Slack wrote an article about it?
Again based on his house rules, interpretations, bias, lack of physics, but definitely not canon.
ALL of these people are wrong? Right? And, Mike Wightman is absolutely correct?
Yes, I am absolutely correct.
There is no rule in LBB1-3 any edition that says ships are restricted by maneuver drive rating from taking off and landing on worlds based on their size.
It's not in any printed edition of any version of CT.
The rule in Striker is wrong, simple as that.
And you have to be right?
I'll double that. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!
Why is it so hard for you to accept that the rule existed, and now its gone?
Because it isn't in any of the many rulesets I own, and I have an awful lot of Traveller rulesets. 3 sets of 1977 , 3 x 1981, TTB, ST.
Oh yeah, everybody else is wrong. Mike is right. Got it.
Good, at last you understand.