The heat exhaust is a very pronounced IR source, but it can be dampened to nil by use of a chemical chill can, easily inserted into the cooling system by the soldier. Each chill can will eliminate exhaust signature for between 45 minutes and 2 hours, depending on outside temperatures and exertion. At the end of the time, the spent chill can is disposable. Total reduction of IR signature is achieved by the gauntlets and head bag mentioned above. Reduction of IR signature will prevent long range detection of personnel by IR equipment, and will defeat IR homing anti-personnel rounds, but will not prevent detection in the immediate vicinity of the enemy, as each soldier will appear as a very visible dark spot against the overall IR background of foliage, landscape, etc.
The combat environment suit is treated as Cloth -1. It is available at tech level 10, and costs CR 1000. At tech level 12 the chameleon suit becomes available for CR 1500, which selectively bleeds heat to match the background IR level, effectively rendering the soldier invisible to IR sensors.