Jeepers, where to begin with this post. Working backwards...
Where are the Imperial Marines listed in canon as having Astrins? Quite the opposite, they are listed consistently through different Traveller editions as using a TL15 Marine Grav APC which is detailed in JTAS 12, in CT/Striker Book 3 at page 29, in MT 101V at page 19 (and note the Astrin is separately at page 17), and TNE Striker II, and TNE RCVG at page 16.
In Rebellion Source book the Astrin is listed as the "Standard Imperial APC," paired with the Trepida/Intrepid. In Traveller's Aide 6, it is listed as "the basic design remains unchanged and remains in service with the Imperial Armed
forces and numerous planetary defense forces throughout the Imperium." The Empress is TL15 and TL15 is not always available for the Marines. (For example in 993.)
Note that far from your earlier assertion, a Marine Grav APC well-armoured against all but the most heavy weaponry is a canon vehicle not a "non-standard design".
Depends on the ruleset, TL and which Marine Grav APC. Most of the Marine Grav APC run on Fusion reactors. Neutrino sensors allow the biggest guns to target those.
Re-read Kinunir - the Marine detachment is very well detailed and explained - a mech inf unit, a pro forces unit, and a leg unit. I find that perfectly reasonable.
I did look. It is a joke. A Platoon with 4 officers, 1 x E8, 2 x E7 and 5 x E6. Too many chiefs, not enough indians. 3 Squads, but no coherent organization as a platoon. The Mech Squad has a Team which includes a Vehicle commander and a Driver, but lacks a gunner. The entire platoon organization is not the same as any other Marine organization in any other Canon source.
For example the 4518 Lift Infantry regiment has two types of Infantry Platoons. Each has one officer and they have either 39 or 33 enlisted.
You consistently ignore any link to logistics and maintence for your BD/grav belt troops. Ignoring such facets makes this a non-credible and non-falsifiable concept. How can we tell whether they will need dramatically less cubbage without considering their requirements for support? How many spacefighters do they require to get the kind of reliable fire support a vehicle unit would have integrally?
Lets see the grav belt you would design - what rules and what maintenance requirements?
Funny how most Traveller rulesets ignore maintenance. There are no maintenance rules in CT, MT or T20. A quick look at Striker and I saw vehicle maintenance but not crew served weapons, individual weapons or body armor. What rule set provides such rules? As for fighters, obviously situation dependent, but no more than 4 per company. (Same as normally used for determining how many tanks to employ.) The Grav-Belts I designed were done under T20 rules and were part of the Battledress. (They have been posted on here in a couple of threads.)
Communication gear is part of Battledress. (Funny how the rules tend to ignore the specifics of it as well.) In my set they have orbital range, and a defined set of sensors. Power (Batteries) for 48 hours or so, when using the Grav Drive and significantly longer without. Under T20 rules you will, like most High Tech MBT's and APC, need crits to penetrate the armor.
BTW there is significant Canon reference that says Marines wear Battle Dress, not combat armor, but Battledress.
What do the troops carry with them? How do they communicate with their orbital fire support securely? Where do they get their power packs, air and any ammunition required from? What carries their company and battalion aid stations? Their electronic and mechanical repair facilities?
Companies don't have aid stations, though they do have medics. Batalion Aid Stations are run by the Navy, same as the Marines today. I put them aboard Assault Shuttles. Major repairs are handled at Brigade level or higher, minor repairs are handled out of organic assets. Resupply is as easily handled by Assault Shuttles as by specialized APC, provided you are involved in a prolonged conflict, otherwise you just use what you are carrying. (And Assault Shuttles can easily be heavier armored than APC, and much better armed than most tanks.)
Sure the grav belt infantry can spread out as they float along, but not beyond command and control radius/sight otherwise you have a rabble, not a military unit capable of executing orders.
When you have even simple communication gear, beyond command and control radius is within 5KM of a point for a Platoon, which IMHO is excessive. However it is easy to spread them out so a VFR Gauss Gun can only engage one trooper at a time.
The fundamental truth is that in the OTU your assertion that vehicles are more vulnerable than BD infantry is palpably incorrect. How can armour 18 (CT/MT) be conceived as offering the same protection as 50 or 60? The vehicle has ECM/EMM, point defence fire control, heavy sensors, heavy communicators, etc - all of which are denied to the infantry in the OTU.
They aren't denied to the infantry, though they are lacking in the rules.
If the infantry run into even a G-carrier with a VRF GG they are in huge trouble. Their (assumed) FGMP-14s will bounce and the VRFGG will be able to pick off key elements like commanders, communicators, until the infantry morale cracks. In a similar circumstance, the Imperial Marine Grav APC will be able to take care of the G-carrier with little risk.
The standard G-Carrier has an Armor rating of 10 in MT. Both FGMP and RAM grenades penetrate that in a hurry. Further how do you identify Commander's to pick them off? In MT RAM Grenades have a Penetration of 36, and have Follow on sensors (though the rules don't cover how that works, it is stated that that is to penetrate heavier armor.). Catching 15 Ram grenades per combat round should mess up an APC's Day, forget about a simple G-Carrier.
My Fireteams are organized as (Mission dependent) 2 Riflemen (Gauss Rifle + Ram Grenades) 1 Fusion Gunner, and a Machine Gunner with an LRF Gauss Gun (Challange Issue 64 (MT rules but adopted for my preferred version of Traveller, T20)). Two fire teams per squad, 3 of these squads per Platoon and a Weapons Squad. The Weapons Squad carries Mission specific heavy weapons, FGMP, or LRF being typical and generally wear a slightly larger version of the Marine Battledress with a light MRL. Ammo is designed to last, mission dependent, 2-3 firefights. The Battledress will run 48 hours between charges for both life support and power. (Rules say you can't stay in there that long anyway, same for an APC.) Life Support, in the rules, includes food, however my BD includes provisions for cargo, which include extra ammo, food, water, a spare set of batteries, and an perhaps an extra powerpack for an FGMP. Platoon HQ is Platoon Leader, Platoon Sergeant and Medic. Minimum of one member of each fireteam is a Combat Lifesaver. (First Aid)
In open ground, they are not going to have equal firepower to a Lift Infantry unit. However in open ground the Lift Infantry's vehicles are likely to be very vulnerable to the Marine's support. Naval Gunfire, or Light Fighters rip right through APC's faster than a VRF Gauss Gun can shoot up a Dispersed Infantry Platoon, especially since a Lift Infantry Platoon consists of 3-4 vehicles. Now in an enclosed environment, where the Lift Infantry's vehicles either can't operate or operate only in very limited ways, the Light Infantry has a major advantage. (The legs in my Marine Armor move the Marine at 15-20kph)