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Composite Marine support vehicle

The only rulesets I've seen that dealt with unit maintenance requirements weren't traveller... FASA's Battletech Merc's Handbook, and a few minis games.

The Traveller-The New Era rules from GDW have quite detailed rules about maintenance on all levels of equipment, dereived from the basic rules in T2K V2.2. Being the last of the GDW rules-sets it is very much canon even by super-tight standards(1) (more so than DPG-build MT or the T20 and GT rules) and quite detailed.

If you use non-GDW rules sets for Traveller, GT also has very detailled rules on maintenance and spare parts. It also has vastly different storage space rules since it seperates maintenance / maintenance installations from storage space, something the older Traveller rules do not

And using TNE:

+ No Neutrino Sensors
+ Battle Dress Armor tops out at 15-20 (Coalition Heavy, TL-15 Heavy)
+ Most BD ist Armor 6-10
+ Heavy Non-Powered Armor tops out at 4
+ Operation Times for BD are 8-10h on batteries
+ 300km Radio is "long ranged" on BD
+ GravBelts are slow (40-120km/h NOE, 300km/h max) and have 2h endurance (4h in a 2-man model)
+ RAM grenades penetrate Armor 35+, Anti-Armor rifles AV12, 6cm RPG penetrates Armor 65
+ TL13 man portableSAM has Penetration against Armor 53

+ Astrin has a weakest Armor of 129
+ Sufficient Fuel for 18-28h of flight, 1 month reactor fuel
+ Turret of the Astrin uses a Fusion gun that Penetrates AV52 at 520m
+ Astrin is save against man portable Fusion Weapons, light AT missiles and RAM grenades
+ NoE 180km/h, Top 950km/h

+ Marine APC has weakest Armor 126, 15h on Thrusters, 190km/h NoE and 1090km/h top

+ Athmosphere affects Lasers
+ NO Particle accelleratore for Space-Ground fire
+ Meson guns have a low RoF measured in the X minutes per shot range
+ Missiles are big (and rare)
+ Fusion guns use Plasma Cartridges of considerabel size
+ Orbit-Ground missiles displace 2-4m3 (1dton = 14m3) and are restricted to high orbit or closer
+ PAD (Anti-Starship missiles) can reach high orbit
+ Nuclear pumped lasers - Close counts in Space Combat
+ Point Defence Vehicles, Mobile Nuclear Dampers in use (Astrin Chassis)
+ Displacementx15 rule for thruster performance (Use Thrust/Weight instead of Thrust/Displacement for g-calculation if Weigt /15 greater Displacement)
+ Limited maneuver fuel for Spaceships

As one can see the latest System from GDW is extremly complex compared to older sets even before unpacking Striker II. This also shows that it is extremly difficult to discuss "Invasion" scenarios in Traveller

(1) Rules-Set and Background Set are IMHO different things. So GT Background may be an ATU but the GT Rules are are as valid as CT.
Sigh. We've already been through this on another thread. I've given you five separate canon sources specifically identifying the APC the Imperial Marines use, and it is not the Astrin. Whether Astrin is a @standard@ APC also in service with Imperial forces or not doesn't alter all these specific and detailed descriptions of the APC the Marines use.
And in 993, if they aren't using the "Standard" Imperial APC what are they using?

And your super-BD runs on? Moreover, how does neutrino do IFF out of line of sight? Moreover, read MT rules again, targeting at Regional range is either Impossible or Formidable task. Good luck with that orbital direct fire.
My Marine Battle Dress runs on Batteries. (48 hours endurance, if you are using the Grav Drive significantly longer if you are using the legs.) How long can your troops stay in the APC in a hostile environment? (Rules say less than 24 hours unless they are supplied with staterooms.) As for IFF, If you have no Fusion reactors in your force, all Reactors belong to the other guy.

Personally, I seriously dislike the MT rules. (And never used the Striker rules, because I didn't find a copy of them until long after I started using the T20 rules.) This is because personal combat, remember this is primarily a Role Playing game, goes from being deadly to personal weapons can't hurt anyone in rudimentary armor. But OK, Looking at the table you are apparently referring to. The heading is Crew served weapons and vehicle mounts. It doesn't apply to starship turrets. Starship turrets treat Lunar orbit as "Far" and for that a Starship Laser gets a -1 to hit. Since your vehicle is likely under 100 DTons, that is an additional -2, you can have your agility, if you are mobile, which for a Grav vehicle is a max of 4. Giving you a -7 DM to hit. Snagging the CA out of Shattered Ships of the Fighting Imperium, a Beam Laser Battery has a UWP factor of 8 (+7 to hit), Model 9 computer (+9 to hit). I don't see an issue hitting at all.

You're being a bit harsh, we all know Kinunir was the first adventure and has a few curious and inconsistent elements cf later canon. Picking holes in the detail doesn't alter the fact of the basic setup - mech, pro forces inf.
Using an organization that is obviously seriously flawed as a basis for something and then excusing it because it is written early? It has nothing to do with any Marine organization discussed in any Traveller canon later, in any source. I am not being harsh, you are holding it up as ideal, I am telling you that it certainly is not even viable as a military unit. Real world example a Squad that encounters a fireteam or larger is supposed to establish a base of fire and wait for the rest of the platoon to maneuver and take out the unit being faced. Anything bigger than a Squad requires more than a Platoon. What use is a single Mech Squad out of a Platoon? BTW you have two short fireteams and the vehicle. (Aside from the fact that you can lose your entire Mech capability to a single hit.) Either mech the entire platoon (And organize it better) or drop the mech concept. (I vote for dropping the concept, but the Kinunir, unlike most Naval Vessels actually has plenty of Cargo Capacity.)

Huh? 4518th is not a Marine organisation nor an Imperial Army unit and has few organisational parallels with canon Marines - see JTAS 12 or Striker II for Marine organisations.
It is serving as a Marine unit in "The Spinward Marches Campaign." Isn't JTAS 12 the one that said all Marines wear Battle Dress?

Come on, give us a link...not that I know much about T20 designs, sorry.
It was in the F-Library. There are a couple of threads with early models in there from back in 2005. I'll find it and upload it eventually, but since you don't have a clue on T20, there isn't all that much point.

It must have been a very quick glance at CT/Striker Book 2 page 35 because I see quite clearly maintenance requirements for Battle Dress and grav belts, communicators and sensors. As I've demonstrated on the other thread (Stealthy BD) under these rules your troops will require a maintenance technician with toolkit per eight-man squad to keep things running. Or try TNE/Striker II page 54, which has similar detail of support personnel requirements for military units.
Your APC Marines have the same requirement as my Marines for that part of it. Like I said, I don't use Striker, but I don't see it require that the Technician not be a member of the squad. Further the maintenance rules are extremely simplistic. A Grav Vehicle, regardless of cost, size or complexity requires 5 maintenance points? So a 100 Ton Grav Yacht, a 30 Ton Grav "House Boat" and an air/raft all require the same amount of maintenance, regardless of Tech Level? Talk about hand waving. I had to look at that page three times to find Battledress. (Hidden among electronics.) And Battledress with an integral Grav Drive? (T4 has them for the Imperial Marines, as well as mine.) Is that covered under the Grav Belt, Battledress or do you have to use both?

Striker 2? Never bought it, I didn't like the basic rules or the setting for TNE so that is as far as my purchases went, even if I could have found Striker 2.

Sounds interesting, can't comment on T20 beyond saying that is not the case in CT/MT/TNE where BD is significantly less useful as protection. Without seeing the design its hard to judgeit - for instance orbital range commo with what? A radio? Great until the enemy jams it. Dunno how bulky orbital range laser/maser is in T20, but useless if the ships go over the horizon anyway or when the troops are in those closed in areas you're so keen on.
In an enclosed area, you aren't going to be using orbital fire support in any event. in CT and MT Troopers are protected by dispersal. Autofire rules there say you can engage one target and hit adjacent targets. Not sweep a 45 degree cone selectively. You don't even get to hit targets in the same line if they aren't close enough. In MT it takes a VRF Gauss Gun, FGMP or HEAP grenades to penetrate BD. So against infantry it is as effective as being in an APC and there are only two or three weapons that will penetrate Battledress but not penetrate a typical APC, making them very close to the same. Add cover and concealment that Infantry can find easier than vehicles can and they are rather well protected. Sure if you are going to march across a tabletop in nice straight lines, in parade formation you are going to get killed. No surprise there. Anyone that has spent a couple of weekends at an outdoor Paint Ball facility, knows better. (You don't need to have served in the Infantry to see that.)

And I think I'm on safe ground saying that under any ruleset only a vehicle can carry and power the meson communicator that the canon Imperial Marine APC has, which is unjammable and can communicate with ships out of LOS. So what is the reliable and secure way your Marines get their orders and call in that fire support you depend on? What kind of sensors, a radar/ladar? Crumbs, how do you power all this stuff?
Internal power on the BD works just fine for powering its sensors. Why would I want Radar or Ladar. Those say, "Here I am, Shoot me now!" Passive sensors. Laser/Maser Comms are enough, secure and also not subject to jamming. Why would a supporting starship go beyond the horizon? (Geosynchronous orbit is significantly closer than the definition of Far Orbit.)

Your point being (I can give you five that say it), aren't we talking about your non-standard Marines anyway?
Nobody said my Marines are non-standard. :) The design concept in my T20 Marine Battle Dress is very similar to the Marine Battle Dress described in T4, or so I have been told. What TL is Battledress? What TL is other standard Marine Equipment? No advances were made in Battle Dress worn by Marines through 4+ wars? My point being that in comparing cost, maintenance requirements, or other things, that Battledress cancels out, so you are only comparing Grav Belts to APC.

I apparently have to split my reply. :) Continued.
Errm, your own thoughts of course with no reference to the medical rules in CT/Striker or TNE/Striker II. If following the rules, you'll need company aid stations I'm afraid.
You are correct I am not referring to Striker, or Striker 2, I am referring to how things are done in the real world, LBB4, The SMC, MT, T20, none of which have that requirement or imply such a requirement. Remember Striker is a Boxed Game designed for Minature play, which, while parallel, does not follow closely, the personal combat rules in CT.

On repairs, see the rules again, I'm not convinced by handwavium like "minor repairs are handled out of organic assets" - such as?
Such as people with appropriate technical skills are spread through out the line units.

I'd be interested in your assault shuttle design, and what happened to all that cubbage you were keen to save? Use what you're carrying - not very reassuring at all.
But most Naval vessels are already carrying 50 Ton craft, of unspecified design. It is simply a 50 ton armored and armed (Not Modular) Cutter. Which can be used for various transport duties to include
Marine recovery, assault landing, transport of supplies, transfer of personel, Customs and Safety Inspections, etc. It is a couple of minor tweaks of the Troop Transport from Sup 9. A little less capacity a little more speed and Armor and the Kimu (EA6) Turret. They are already being carried, this isn't an addition. (Pinnaces in the Honorverse are a similar example.) Like the Marine Multi-Mission Armored Fighting Vehicle (Light Fighter) they serve more than one role.

Here we part company and will not rejoin. I do not agree. Squads simply do not spread out in the way you imply because NCOs want to see the troops they command to lead them properly. I am far more convinced by the 12sq metres allocated per man in Striker.
How far can a BD equipped Sergeant see? Real world infantry move with between 15m and 20m between soldiers already, within a Fireteam, without radios, putting a 15m square between troops isn't a stretch. Putting 2-4 squares between fireteams and more between squads isn't a stretch either. Under CT/MT rules a VRF Gauss Gun only gets one of them per combat round.

Regarding targeting, if a real world point defence weapon like the gatling guns used to protect bases in Iraq can engage numerous incoming rounds in a short space of time, what makes you think more technologically sophisticated fire control won't be able to engage various floating troopers?
Several things. (1)The Rules. (2)The fact that the troops are difficult to see and are not emitting, which means that the weapons attempting to engage will have to be emitting (Making them nice easy targets.) (3)The fact that a Drop of that nature is going to be accompanied by significant AAA suppression.

The *military* G-carrier in 101 Vehicles (page 8) certainly does not have armour of 10, why are you bringing in civilian vehicles? And elsewhere canon design references to G-carriers (CT/Striker, TNE handbooks) show armour able to deflect RAM grenades (and recall that point defence fire control means the grenades can be engaged and shot down).
The Standard G-Carrier is found on Page 77 of the Imperial Encyclopedia and is listed as:
The G-Carrier is a Military or Quasi Military grav vehicle. Similar in concept to an armored air/raft, the GCarrier has a gun mount and an armored rear hatch door.
The heaviest armored G-Carrier in 101 vehicles has an armor rating of 24, which both the FGMP-14 and a RAM Grenade-13 HEAP round is capable of penetrating.

Point Defense Firecontrol, like follow on sensors for RAM grenades, is mentioned but lacks rules. (Though I understand TNE may cover it.) Further it says it can shoot down Artillery, not Grenades. And exactly how many grenades can it shoot down at once? If it is busy shooting at Grenades, it isn't shooting at Infantry, rendering the vehicle impotent against the Infantry and still subject to energy weapon fire. <Edited to add:>I found the rules in Striker. You aren't going to shoot down 15 on a good day and then you aren't going to shoot down any if the infantry is relatively close.

No argument about enclosed spaces. I agree completely.
Which is 70+% of all Marine missions.
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So the basic answer is, although we are discussing military units, you would prefer to ignore the official Traveller rulesets specifically designed for military actions to focus on the role-playing ones that suit your arguments. I'll leave you to your T20 universe.
So the basic answer is, although we are discussing military units, you would prefer to ignore the official Traveller rulesets specifically designed for military actions to focus on the role-playing ones that suit your arguments. I'll leave you to your T20 universe.
You are choosing one rule set, and vehicles from a different rule set to suit your arguments. While Striker is Parallel to Traveller, it isn't actually CT combat. While Combat in MT has some similarities with Striker, it also isn't striker. The rules you are referring to are about Medics, which is not supported in the rest of Canon, CT or otherwise, and maintenance, which doesn't even make as much sense as applying the maintenance rules in Trillion Credit Squadron to ground units. YOu are right I am more interested in Traveller. If I wanted to play table top miniature rules I would get out my WH40K rules.
And in 993, if they aren't using the "Standard" Imperial APC what are they using?

They sure as hell aren't using the Astrin in 993, read your preferred source MT RS page 87 again - "three years *after* the Trepida". But whatever they use in 993, I'm 100 percent sure it isn't a poorly protected G-carrier unless T20 is completely out to lunch.

My Marine Battle Dress runs on Batteries. (48 hours endurance, if you are using the Grav Drive significantly longer if you are using the legs.) How long can your troops stay in the APC in a hostile environment? (Rules say less than 24 hours unless they are supplied with staterooms.) As for IFF, If you have no Fusion reactors in your force, all Reactors belong to the other guy.
So the endurance rules only apply to troops in APCs, not BD, interesting.
I guess all those support vehicles, starfighters, assault landers, etc you rely on are flying on hydrocarbons ;-)

Personally, I seriously dislike the MT rules.
I'm not a MT fan either, but I disagree with your interpretation of them as regards interface combat. What about rules you are more familiar with, how does orbital direct fire into a battlezone work in T20?

Using an organization that is obviously seriously flawed as a basis for something and then excusing it because it is written early? It has nothing to do with any Marine organization discussed in any Traveller canon later, in any source. I am not being harsh, you are holding it up as ideal, I am telling you that it certainly is not even viable as a military unit.
I'm not holding Kinunir up as anything beyong pointing out it is a canon ship class that carries a mech marine unit. The "ideal" is JTAS 12 or Striker II which lists in exquisite detail the organisation and equipment of the Imperial Marines. I'm sorry you own neither, but the authors there clearly lay out the support, maintenance and logistics units as well as the teeth arms. I'd suggest that based the way they are depicted in Game 4 and Game 5, Marine battalions are used as such and deploy in assault transports. Smaller Marine units on board fighting ships as ships troops no doubt do not have vehicles, as is suggested in JTAS 12. As opposed to your pure non-APC Marine universe, I see plenty of room for both.

It is serving as a Marine unit in "The Spinward Marches Campaign." Isn't JTAS 12 the one that said all Marines wear Battle Dress?
I see you have, or remember SMC. Yes, the jump troops battalion of the 4518th is temporarily serving as ships troops on their way home at the end of the 5FW in that adventure.

In an enclosed area, you aren't going to be using orbital fire support in any event.
Gasp! Hang on, what happened to the magic orbital fire support in those 70 percent of situations you're so keen on. It doesn't apply?! I'm starting to lose track of your logic I'm afraid...So 70 percent of the time your troopers are on their own...Hmm what if those Colonial Marines in Aliens didn't have their APC...Properly deployed, APCs are of enormous value in urban warfare, especially if they can fire an explosive penetrating round (or fusion burst).

In MT it takes a VRF Gauss Gun, FGMP or HEAP grenades to penetrate BD. So against infantry it is as effective as being in an APC and there are only two or three weapons that will penetrate Battledress but not penetrate a typical APC, making them very close to the same.
No, No and No. Not close at all. The armour of the Marine APC in MT or CT/Striker or TNE is far superior to BD protection and stops or mitigates a vast array of threats beyond those you highlight.

Internal power on the BD works just fine for powering its sensors. Why would I want Radar or Ladar. Those say, "Here I am, Shoot me now!" Passive sensors.
Such as?

My point being that in comparing cost, maintenance requirements, or other things, that Battledress cancels out, so you are only comparing Grav Belts to APC.
And mine being that in comparing cost, maintenance, etc that is still not the great advantage you initially made out, considering the very clear protection disadvantage and loss of integral heavy weapon support.
You are choosing one rule set, and vehicles from a different rule set to suit your arguments. While Striker is Parallel to Traveller, it isn't actually CT combat. While Combat in MT has some similarities with Striker, it also isn't striker. The rules you are referring to are about Medics, which is not supported in the rest of Canon, CT or otherwise, and maintenance, which doesn't even make as much sense as applying the maintenance rules in Trillion Credit Squadron to ground units. YOu are right I am more interested in Traveller. If I wanted to play table top miniature rules I would get out my WH40K rules.

First the complaint was that there were no canon rules. I pointed out at least two canon rulesets with maintenance requirements specified, and Brinkhues pointed out another. These are all from GDW products, Marc Miller either designed or advised on. I struggle to see how much more canon one could get. So far you've provided zero beyond complaining a bit more.
They sure as hell aren't using the Astrin in 993, read your preferred source MT RS page 87 again - "three years *after* the Trepida". But whatever they use in 993, I'm 100 percent sure it isn't a poorly protected G-carrier unless T20 is completely out to lunch.
How do you figure? Both the Trepida and the Astrin are TL14. The Astrin is equal armor to the Trepida. (40G) TL15 has been available high end since before 001-1105. (Adventure 1, The Kinunir, is listed as that for a starting date.) Yes the Rebellion Source Book lists it as being introduced in 1109. TA6 lists their introduction as 712.

So the endurance rules only apply to troops in APCs, not BD, interesting.
What types of Endurance are you talking about?

LBB1 said:
The individual wearing battle dress is effectively doubled in strength and given unlimited endurance (for lifting, carrying, and fighting purposes; not for wounds received)
As for Power, it is undefined in CT to include Striker or MT. In T20 it is defined. (In the case of the set I designed 48 hours or longer depending on what you are drawing power with. If you are talking about long term use of APC or Battledress, CT and T20 both state that occupation longer than 24 hours requires that each person is to be equipped with a Small Craft Stateroom. (Though MT allows the vehicle crew to have bunks instead.)

I guess all those support vehicles, starfighters, assault landers, etc you rely on are flying on hydrocarbons ;-)
Actually the fighters and the Assault Landers have emitters and full IFF.

I'm not a MT fan either, but I disagree with your interpretation of them as regards interface combat. What about rules you are more familiar with, how does orbital direct fire into a battlezone work in T20?
How am I misreading hte MT rules? Starship sensors and Starship Weapons shouldn't have a longer range than vehicles? T20, like MT, fully integrates Starship weapons and Vehicle weapons with personal combat. Starship weapons have longer ranges than vehicle weapons. (Of course they do, otherwise they would be useless in Starship combat.)

I'm not holding Kinunir up as anything beyong pointing out it is a canon ship class that carries a mech marine unit. The "ideal" is JTAS 12 or Striker II which lists in exquisite detail the organisation and equipment of the Imperial Marines. I'm sorry you own neither, but the authors there clearly lay out the support, maintenance and logistics units as well as the teeth arms. I'd suggest that based the way they are depicted in Game 4 and Game 5, Marine battalions are used as such and deploy in assault transports. Smaller Marine units on board fighting ships as ships troops no doubt do not have vehicles, as is suggested in JTAS 12. As opposed to your pure non-APC Marine universe, I see plenty of room for both.
Actually IMTU there are specialized Marine Units with vehicles. (LBB4 shows Marines with Cav and Artillery Specialities, but they are the exception.) The typical Marine you will run into in a Traveller Campaign is from normal Naval Combat Vessels, and/or Starport Security.

I see you have, or remember SMC. Yes, the jump troops battalion of the 4518th is temporarily serving as ships troops on their way home at the end of the 5FW in that adventure.
And they have no provisions for the "Required" Company Level Aid station.

Gasp! Hang on, what happened to the magic orbital fire support in those 70 percent of situations you're so keen on. It doesn't apply?! I'm starting to lose track of your logic I'm afraid...So 70 percent of the time your troopers are on their own...Hmm what if those Colonial Marines in Aliens didn't have their APC...Properly deployed, APCs are of enormous value in urban warfare, especially if they can fire an explosive penetrating round (or fusion burst).
Indoors, with a roof over your head, in narrow corridors? In Micro Gravity, or Artificial Gravity? How do Grav Vehicles move under those circumstances? (Gravity drives, where defined, don't work in Micro Gravity environments, I wouldn't let them work in an Artificial Gravity environment, but if you prefer you can try to figure out what happens when you use them and the other guy controls the Gravity controls.

No, No and No. Not close at all. The armour of the Marine APC in MT or CT/Striker or TNE is far superior to BD protection and stops or mitigates a vast array of threats beyond those you highlight.
Open up your copy of 101 Vehicles and notice that the vast majority of the Military Vehicles that can penetrate BD also penetrate most APCs. (To include the Marine APC.)

Neutrino Sensors, Thermographic, Low Light Visual, Optical, Audio, Radar/Ladar warning receivers, Laser detectors, etc.

And mine being that in comparing cost, maintenance, etc that is still not the great advantage you initially made out, considering the very clear protection disadvantage and loss of integral heavy weapon support.
Comparing Cost, You are getting a significant cost difference, providing you are equipping, as many canon sources state you should, your APC Marines in BD. Maintenance savings would depend on the rules you are using. If you base your maintenance on price instead of the arbitrary and unrealistic Striker rules, you would gain maintenance savings as well.