The 1860 census for the Southern States show a total population of 9,103,332, including slaves (5,582,222 non slaves & 3,521,110 slaves) per Wikipedia.
Info on occupation troop numbers online is sketchy. Only found two sites, both claim the North wound down thier army quickly after hostilities ceased. One site claimed 40,000 troops were left as occupation troops, the other claimed 15-20,000 troops.
Not what I was expecting after an article I read on counter-insurgency claimed a 'massive' occupation force. I guess massive is relative.
Ratio of 40,000 to 5,582,222 equals 7.1:1000
Ratio of 15,000 to 9,103,332 equals 1.6:1000, which seems rather 'light'.
To police a passive population takes one to four per thousand. (US '95 had 2.3:1000 sworn police officers, NZ today has roughly 1.95:1000).
Info on occupation troop numbers online is sketchy. Only found two sites, both claim the North wound down thier army quickly after hostilities ceased. One site claimed 40,000 troops were left as occupation troops, the other claimed 15-20,000 troops.
Not what I was expecting after an article I read on counter-insurgency claimed a 'massive' occupation force. I guess massive is relative.
Ratio of 40,000 to 5,582,222 equals 7.1:1000
Ratio of 15,000 to 9,103,332 equals 1.6:1000, which seems rather 'light'.
To police a passive population takes one to four per thousand. (US '95 had 2.3:1000 sworn police officers, NZ today has roughly 1.95:1000).