SOC-14 5K
That is exactly what Paul is supposed to be. The irony is that Paul is NOT the main character of the series.
Major Spoiler...Spoiler:Duncan Idaho is the Kwizatz Haderach and the actual main character of the series.
Reread it knowing that, and it takes on a different view of the setting and the first 3 novels.
I figure that it is not worth my time. The first book was acceptable when I read it back as a teen, in monthly chunks, in Analog. As for it being the best-selling science fiction novel of all time, in the words of Captain James T. Kirk:
Capt. Kirk: . . . Well, there's no accounting for taste.
Edit Note: "Dune" was one of those books that I never really developed any liking for any of the characters in it. Not quite as bad as Julian May's Pliocene series, where after buying and reading them, I promptly sold them off. Most of the characters in there I positively disliked, without liking one.
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