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FFW (CT/MT): Zhodani equivalent to the Hind-D concept?

OOOOOOkaaaaay... let's see how this version goes...!

Armour added; agility improved by increasing powerplant from 6 to 9, and reducing G rating from 6 to 5.

Added two backup mod/1 computers

Increased hull size to 25 tons, reduced troops from 16 to 8 to more accurately reflect section transport aspect of Hind-D inspiration. As a result, cargo risen to 5 tons.

Next task will be to bring the hull size down to 10 or 15 tons to more accurately show this craft to be smaller than a Chinook!

Ship: ZN Number
Class: Merihem-D
Type: Assalt gig
Architect: Roger Stenning
Tech Level: 14

         GS-0105901-630000-20002-0 MCr 27.575 25 Tons
Bat Bear             1     1   1   Crew: 10
Bat                  1     1   1   TL: 14

Cargo: 5.250 Crew Sections: 1 of 10 Fuel: 1 EP: 2.250 Agility: 5 Pulse Lasers
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops
Backups: 2 x Model/1 Computers

Architects Fee: MCr 0.276   Cost in Quantity: MCr 22.060

Detailed Description
  (High Guard Design)

25.000 tons standard, 350.000 cubic meters, Needle/Wedge Configuration

8 Officers, 8 troops

Jump-0, 5G Manuever, Power plant-9, 2.250 EP, Agility 5

No Bridge Installed, Model/1 Computer
2 Model/1 Backup Computers

1 Hardpoint

1 Triple Mixed Turret with: 1 Pulse Laser (Factor-2), 1 Missile Rack (Factor-2).

1 Sandcaster in the Mixed Turret, organised into 1 Battery (Factor-3),
Armoured Hull (Factor-6)


0.080 Tons Fuel (0 parsecs jump and 1 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, No Fuel Purification Plant

10 Acceleration Couches, 5.250 Tons Cargo


MCr 27.851 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 0.276),
MCr 22.060 in Quantity

13 Weeks Singly, 11 Weeks in Quantity
Also, spoke to Hugh, from Ace & The Dog, re the Ships III software. Seems it was written before all the errata were compiled and issued, but he's looking into it. No promises on results, but he's looking at it.
Innnnnnn the mean time...

Introducing the Zhodani Medusa Strike Gig. It's a 20-ton close air support and strike gig, written/designed for the MT rules set. I'l be retaining the Merihem craft name for a heavy-lift modular combat boat, to be redesigned in a while.

This is what I've been aiming at (so to speak) through this entire process. Heavy thanks to Another Dilbert for his help and patience in resetting his spreadsheets to cater for LibreOffice, and hopefully this is the final result (fingers crossed).

CraftlD:        Strike Gig, Type GS, TL 14, MCr 48.345
Hull:           18/45, Disp = 20, Config = 1 AF, Armor = 70G,
                Unloaded = 1065 tons, Loaded = 1123 tons
Power:          5/10, Fusion= 554Mw, Duration =1/14
Loco:           3/6, Maneuver = 5,
                NOE = 180kph, Crulse=2592kph, Top= 3456kph, Accel 5G
                Agility = 0
Commo:          Radio = System
Sensors:        PasslveEMS =System, ActweEMS = Farorbit,
                Denstrometer=LowPen 100m,
                ActObjScan = Rout, ActObjPln = Diff,
                PasObjScan = Rout, PasObjPin = Diff,
                PasEngScan = Rout, PasEngPin = none
Off:            Missiles      = xO2
                        Batt      1
                        Bear      1
                PLaser        = xO2
                        Batt      1
                        Bear      1
Def:            DefDM = + 2, MesonScrn =O, BlackGlobe= 0
                Sandcaster    = xO3
                        Batt      1
                        Bear      1
Guns:           Pulse Fusion-X14 x 2 (in two turrets with Point Defence linkages)
                Ammo  Pen/  Dmg  Max          Auto  Dng  Sig  ROF
                      Attn       Rng          Tgts  Spc
                0     67/5  30   V Dist (18)  3     45   H    40
Control:        Computer = m0/bis x 3, Panel = holographiclink x 262,
		Special = HUD x 2.
                Environ = basic env, basic ls, extend ls, grav
                plates, Inertial comp
Accomm:         Crew = 10 x 3 (Command = 1, Gunnery= 1,
                ShipTroops=8, couches (cramped) x 10)
Other:          Cargo = 53 kliters, Fuel = 55 kliters
		ObjSize = Small, EmLevel = None

Notes: Fusion gun stats from table, pp2, "101 Vehicles" (DGP-873-0795).

Deckplans to follow, once I'm sure this design hasn't got any bugs in it.
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