Here's my house rules for High Guard
Energy Allocation: Instead of using the Emergency Agility and Agility
reduction from power plant hits simply allow each ship to allocate energy
during the pre-combat step. Note that each ship's jump capacitors can
usually start empty or full at the captains option at the start of a battle
unless special scenario rules require otherwise and that each ship can no
more than double its power plant output (if not using a black globe) by
drawing power from capacitors.
Chipping away at armor: Whenever a 2 is rolled for damage before modifiers
on the surface explosions table reduce the target's armor tonnage by one
tenth of the Energy Points this weapon would inflict on a black globe.
Planetoid hulls lose waste spaces of rock after losing all of their
external armor and when all of the waste space is gone the ship is
Example: A 10,000 ton TL13 ship has armor factor 13 and therefore 2,800
tons of armor. If struck by a factor 9 nuclear missile and a 2 was rolled
on the surface explosion table the modified result would be a 15 for a
Weapon-1 result and in addition the ship would lose 90 tons of armor which
takes it down to 2,710 tons of armor. Once it is reduced to 2,600 tons of
armor it will be at armor factor 12.
Fuel tanks shattered as a critical hit: Exchange the Crew-1 result on the
critical hit table with the Fuel tanks shattered hit on Interior Explsion.
Meson Screens as Armor: Do not use the meson screen or configuration
penetration tables for Meson attacks. Instead apply the meson screen
factor of the target as an armor factor against meson attacks, except that
automatic critical hits from oversized meson attacks are reduced by the
full meson screen factor rather than half that factor as would be the case
with armor against other weapon types.
Example: A size class K ship with meson screen factor-9 is struck by a
factor-S meson gun. The ship suffers no automatic critical hits and takes
8 damage rolls on each of the Radiation and Interior Explsion damage tables
at a +9 modifier and suffers 1 radiation computer-1 result which is ignored
due to a hardened computer model, 3 weapon-1 results, 2 weapon-2 results, 3
Screens-1 results, 1 Screens-2 result, 2 Jump-1 results, 1 Power Plant-1
and 1 interior explosion Computer-1 result which is not ignored.
Energy Weapons on defense: Energy weapons are also at a -2 to be penetrated
by missiles.
Gunnery skill: Divide the character's Gunnery skill by two, round down and
subtract one to find a positive modifier when their battery rolls to hit or
penetrate and a negative modifier when their battery is resisting
penetration or rolling damage for a hit they've scored.
Engineering skill: Divide the character's Engineering skill by two, round
down and subtract one to find a positive modifier the character can apply
for one repair roll per turn.
Suicide attack: At the start of the Pre-Combat Decision Step the player with
the initiative if at short range may declare that some of his ships are
engaging in suicide attacks and designate one target for each.
At the start of the Combat Step before the usual target selection any ships
that are the subject of suicide attacks may fire at their attackers. This
fire is conducted as if the suicide attacker had agility zero and all
damage from this defensive fire is resolved on the attacking ships before
they themselves fire.
Then the suicide attacking ships may fire their laser and energy weapon
batteries at their selected targets, adding the current agility of the
suicide attacker after damage to its computer factor to hit and penetrate
defenses and subtracting this agility from the damage roll. After the
damage from all suicide attacks is resolved then use the normal procedure
to resolve the fire of the remaining batteries on all sides.
Time on target: Multiple batteries can launch their missiles to impact on a
single target at the same time. You can declare any number of missile
batteries from any of your ships at the same range band to the target as
engaging in a Time on Target attack. Make one attack as a single battery
using the smallest missile factor of any of the engaging batteries and the
smallest computer factor of any of the attacking ships then add a plus one
to this effective computer factor to hit and penetrate with this attack for
each doubling of the attacking batteries, up to double the base computer
Example: The Pantheress is on a routine patrol when the captain orders the
entire fighter wing out to make a simulated attack against the ship for
The 300 heavy fighters have effective computer factors of 6 after adjusting
for their lack of bridge facilities and so they attack at long range with
simulated nuclear missiles in 4 time on target groups of 64 for a +6 and
the remaining 44 fighters combine for a +5 group.
At long range a factor 2 missile battery needs to roll a 6 -computer factor
12 +computer factor 9 -2 for target size or a 1 or more to hit so all five
batteries hit.
The Pantheress assigns 1 repulsor bay to each group's hit and they need to
roll a 22 or greater with a +3 computer modifier to penetrate and they don't.
The next combat round the fighters have the initiative and choose short
range and simulated suicide attacks with their lasers.
215 of the fighters are defended against with factor-9 convential
missiles. Since they are at effective agility 0 the roll to hit is 2 +1
for short range -3 for computer difference +2 for target size or a 2 or
greater and all 215 hit. The defensive sand factor of 3 fails to stop
any of these missile hits and so every one of these 215 fighters takes 5
critical hits (battery - size is 9 minus 4 for armor factor 8) and is
knocked out.
Another 25 fighters face factor 6 fusion batteries. These have an adjusted
to hit roll of 4 and 23 of these hit and easily penetrates sand factor 3 to
score 2 critical hits. One of the particle accelerator batteries misses,
but the other four, the lasers and a simulated attack from the spinal mount
take out another 10 fighters.
The remaining 53 fighters then make their suicide attacks. Their factor 2
lasers need to roll 7 +3 for the computer difference -6 for suicide agility
-2 for target size +6 for target agility or a 8 or greater to hit and 22 of
them do.
Five of these hits face factor-9 sand batteries and need a 13 +3 for
computer -6 for suicide agility or 10 or greater to penetrate and one of
them does.
A total of 18 simulated damage rolls are made on the surface explosions
table with a +6 for non-spinal weapon +15 for target armor and -6 for
suicide agility scoring 6 weapon-1 results and 1 Fuel-1 result.